Radyr Methodist Church Notices
Sunday November 18th Communion Service Led by Rev Nick Oborski and Angela Simon.
Bargain sale Saturday 24th November 10am-1pm CHRISTCHURCH URC & METHODIST, FAIRWATER Bargain sale Saturday 24th November 10am-1pm Please donate items to the Church before the sale contact: christchurchhallfairwater@gmail.com
Charities Fair and Coffee Morning November 10th Raised £1628.20 Thank you to all who helped and supported the event.
Radyr Methodist Church Regular Church Activities New members will be very welcome at all the groups See below for contact information
Radyr Methodist Church Prayer Room Drop-in Prayer/Quiet Morning A chance to come and spend time quietly with God Radyr Methodist Church Prayer Room 10am - 1pm Next session November 24th The sessions will not be led but there will be materials available Come for as long or short a period of time as you want.
Monday Afternoon Group Next Meeting Bible Study November 19th Contact: Gillian Phillips
Powerful Puppet Praise Puppets reaching, teaching, and entertaining audiences of all ages Tuesdays 5:30pm Contact: Sue Beavis Angela Simon
Singing Group Next Meeting November 20th Tuesday evenings Come and join our relaxed group of singers as we worship God through music. Tuesday evenings 7.30pm - 9.00pm Facilitators: Liz May and Angela Williams Next Meeting November 20th
Christmas is Coming and Singing Group are Recruiting We would love to have some new singers to join us for our Carol singing in Cwrt Brynteg and for the Carol Service in Radyr Church
Radyr and District Social Group Coffee and Chat Radyr and District Social Group Wednesday morning 11.15am – 12.15am £1.20 Contact: Penny Sherwood 029 2081 3515
Bible Study Alternate Thursday Evenings 7.30pm – 9.00pm Church coffee lounge Contact: Next meeting Gillian Phillips November 22nd
Praying Together Join us for a time of prayer, meditation and quiet. Alternate Thursday evenings 7.30pm – 8.30pm Contact: Gillian Phillips Next Meeting November 29th
Teeny Tots Alison, Ruth or Gillian Fun and crafts for babies and pre-schoolers Coffee and chat for accompanying adults Music and song for all. Fridays during term time. 10.00am – 11.30am Contact: Alison, Ruth or Gillian for details and offers of help
Youth Space Cathays Methodist Church Welcome to all in high school Contact: knowlesgareth@hotmail.com
Services November/December 2018 November 25th Gauri Taylor-Nayar December 2nd Maurice Wentworth December 9th Rev Del Liddell(S) December 16th Rev Paul Martin December 23rd Catherine Hewett