Dillingham, Alaska
40,000 Square Miles BBHA serves the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska… …an area approximately the size of the State of Ohio.
40,000 Square Miles About the size of the State of Ohio.
Alaska Statewide Housing Needs Sources: Alaska Housing Finance Corporation's “2005 Alaska Housing Assessment Study;” Information Insights, Inc., 2005 Alaska Housing Assessment. Fairbanks Alaska: Rogers, Brian & Lister, Cady Produced for the Cold Climate Housing Research Center. An immediate need for at least 25,771 new housing units to meet population growth, relieve overcrowding (less than 200 sq. ft. per resident), and replace substandard housing. To avoid replacement, the need for major repairs to 20,000 units that are substandard. Cost to replace, repair and alleviate overcrowding: $5.99 billion.
Communities Served by BBHA
Southwest Alaska Housing Needs Sources: the 2000 U.S. Census, the 1995 Community Database of the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA), and statistics compiled by BBHA staff.
Southwest Alaska Housing Needs Of 1851 Alaska Native households in the region: Nearly half are low income (less than 80% of HUD’s median). More than 12% are elderly. More than 15% are substandard (lacking complete plumbing facilities). One hundred fifty-five are overcrowded (less than 200 sq. ft. per resident) Source: the 2000 U.S. Census, the 1995 Community Database of the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA), and BBHA statistics .
Existing Housing Stock Clarks Point, Alaska
Existing Housing Stock Dillingham, Alaska
Existing Housing Stock Cottonwood Heights Apartments Dillingham, Alaska
Existing Housing Stock Newhalen, Alaska
Existing Housing Stock Nondalton, Alaska
Existing Housing Stock Port Heiden, Alaska
Existing Housing Stock Twin Hills, Alaska
Existing Housing Stock Levelock, Alaska
Existing Housing Stock Ekuk, Alaska
1998-2007 NAHASDA & Other Leveraged Funding Leveraged Funds include financing provided by: Alaska Housing Finance Corporation; HUD Section 202 Senior; USDA Rural Housing; Low Income Housing Tax Credits (AHFC LIHTC Program); HUD Indian Community Development Block Grant; HUD Rural Housing & Economic Development Program; US Dept. of Commerce Economic Development Administration; Alaska Mental Health Trust; Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati; and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle.
Forest View Apartments KeyBank Forest View Apartments Dillingham, Alaska 1997
Taiga View Apartments Naknek, Alaska 1999
Southwest Elders’ Apts. Naknek, Alaska 1999
Muklung Manor Apts. Dillingham, Alaska 2001
Manokotak View Apts. Manokotak, Alaska 2006
Togiak View Apartments Togiak, Alaska 2005
Title VI Funding Sources
Title VI Projects
New Stuyahok Funding
Qiivualria, New Stuyahok, AK New Stuyahok Elders Qiivualria, New Stuyahok, AK
Kokhanok Funding (Projected)
Alaskan Realities: Barriers to Project Completion & Unique Construction Problems Site costs -- little infrastructure in place High cost of Heavy Equipment mobilization and repair. High cost of Quality Control -- Inspections Coordination of very tight construction and delivery season: Long lead time for production and delivery of product - windows, cabinets, etc. Limited availabily of barges due to competing business (Fishing industry) Costs and scheduling "Connex" storage and shipping containers Transportation and upkeep of "core" crew - specialty crews Shortage of qualified manpower (electricians, etc.) (Mitigated with training of local workforce)
Alaskan Realities: Barriers to Project Completion & Unique Construction Problems WEATHER
Alaskan Realities: Barriers to Project Completion & Unique Construction Problems LOGISTICS
Alaskan Realities: Barriers to Project Completion & Unique Construction Problems MATERIAL COSTS: One 4x8 Sheet 5/8” CDX Plywood (53 pounds) Seattle: $21.25 Anchorage……...$28.80 Dillingham….......$43.50 Perryville via barge….$54.38 Nondalton via Air…..$ 76.68 Perryville via Air…………$261.33
William Tennyson, Chairman ~ Dave McClure, Executive Director Quyana! (Thank You!) From the People of Southwest Alaska, and the Board and Staff of the Bristol Bay Housing Authority William Tennyson, Chairman ~ Dave McClure, Executive Director www.bbha.org