Mrs. Komorowski Compacted Math & Science Welcome to 5th Grade! Mrs. Komorowski Compacted Math & Science
need rules in the classroom? Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe Why do we need rules in the classroom?
RESPONSIBILITY Be an active listener—follow directions the first time they are given! Come to class prepared with the supplies and work you need. Do your work to the best of your ability Help your neighbors whenever you can Be honest with me and others Remain on-task during independent work time. Keep your work area and classroom clean!
RESPECT Respect other students, teachers, and classroom resources. Be patient and do not interrupt—everyone will get a chance to speak. Everyone should feel safe asking a question! Work quietly so others have the opportunity to concentrate. Make only positive comments to students and teachers.
SAFETY Respect other students’ and teachers’ privacy. Keep your hands, feet, and possessions to yourself—in the classroom and at recess. Make only positive comments to students and teachers— name calling and threatening will not be tolerated.
What happens when we make poor choices? Consequences follow! First warning – Verbal Second warning – Sent to the hallway and parents notified Third warning – school policy
Homeroom Pick up breakfast as soon as you get off the bus and check off today’s date on the breakfast page Check in at the Smartboard. Make sure you have all of your materials. Put any office notes or lunch money in the tray. Get started on the warm-up. I expect silence during announcements.
Procedures Entering the room – You may not enter the classroom until you are given permission. Please wait in a line in the hallway. Lining Up – Number order In the hallway – Walk in an orderly manner, *silently.* Respect the fact that other classes may still be working. Bathroom – You may only use the bathroom during independent work time, not during instructional time. Take the pass and leave it on your desk.
Procedures Pencils – You should have at least two sharpened pencils at all times, as well as your own sharpener. Cafeteria – Enter the cafeteria silently. If you are buying lunch, head to the appropriate line. If you packed your lunch, head to the appropriate table. Recess – When you hear the whistle, recess has ended. Line up by me on the basketball court.
Classroom Jobs This is our community— everyone pitches in to keep it neat, organized, and running smoothly! We rotate responsibilities every 2 weeks.
Specials Our homeroom will be split up between 4 specials. Individual schedules will remain posted until a routine has been established. I will dismiss you from class by the special you will be going to that day. We will meet—as a class—by the coat hooks before going to lunch together.
Homework and Classwork Homework is given on Fridays and due the following Friday. Classwork has different due dates depending on the assignments. Friendly reminder: just because it is called classwork does not mean you can’t bring it home! Pay attention to due dates and the amount of work you are getting done in class. Hand in homework and classwork into their appropriate trays.
Homework and Classwork Late assignments will ONLY be accepted within one week for half credit. After one week, you will receive no credit. Label assignment (name, lesson, date, etc.) No label, no name, no credit.
Extra Credit I do not give formal “extra credit” assignments, especially upon request. On each test or quiz, I always give bonus questions for extra points on your score. I will always encourage you to try the bonus questions. There are math and science challenges that align with the unit we are currently working on. They are voluntary and worth extra points as well.
Chromebooks Every student has their own Chromebook to work with while they are in class. Your Chromebook # is the same as your locker #. The computers are to be used for academic purposes ONLY. They are not here for your entertainment/leisure time. YOU are responsible for the proper return of your Chromebook.
Grading System: Math Your math grade will be comprised of the following parts: Assessments: 35% Quizzes: 20% Classwork/Homework: 25% Projects: 20%
Grading System: Science Your science grade will be comprised of the following parts: Assessments: 35% Quizzes: 20% Classwork/Homework: 25% Labs: 20%
Checking Grades I update your grades weekly on Progressbook. Both you and your parents will receive logins for Progressbook, which you may check at home. Please do not ask, especially during class time, if I can show you your grades!
End of Class I will try to stop with at least 7 minutes left of class to allow you to gather your materials, fill out your agenda, do class jobs, and complete an exit ticket. You must stay in your seat until you are dismissed.
End of the Day When you come back at the end of the day, please go to your seats first. I will call tables to go to their lockers. Once you have packed up, stack your chair by the side of your table and wait quietly for bus dismissal.
Questions?? This will become a routine really quickly Any time you need to contact me, please send me an email at