THE LEARNING P WERHOUSE Implementing the New Training and Assessment Package TAA04 Ross Summerfield conference 2006
The Road to “GO” Talk and more talk (2years!) Recognition Process Established Lead Assessors appointed Institute “Recognition Partnerships” established First teachers complete recognition process First industry projects started November 2005
Is the new Training Package and improvement on the old Workplace Assessment and Training program? Evidence from implementing the new package Review the purpose of these two programs
Case Study 1 - Major Australian Bank Seeking to deliver Financial Services Training Package Managers perform key role in assessment process RTO compliance Selling role for facilitators Emphasis on professionalism
Case Study 2 - NSW Government Department Seeking to develop training skills in staff delivering training internally Cross functional activity Key benefits seen as TP structure and established assessment events Focus on planning, delivery and review of training Confidence building approach
Case Study 3 - Industrial Service Co. Seeking to develop training and assessment skills Both Technical and Service staff participating Focus on planning, delivery and review of training Future focussed activity
Case Study 4 - Major Advice Agency Training for advisers, paid and voluntary Compliance a key issue Added value through experience of the training package Practical experiences used in assessment
Yes: Is the new package an improvement? It addresses the needs of RTO’s and other training organisations
Is the new package an improvement? Maybe: It is big, very big!
No: Is the new package an improvement? Trainers looking to up skill can find it too costly (time and money)
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