Regional Health Command – Pacific (Provisional) Country 5 Year Health Engagement Strategies 12 April 2016 “Na Koa Imua - Warriors Go Forth”
Purpose and Outline Purpose: To obtain USARPAC SCP concurrence of the Regional Health Command –Pacific (USARPAC Medical TEC) 5 year Global Health Engagement Strategy based upon Annex A (Health Engagements) to the RHC-P Campaign Support Plan and in support of USARPAC TSC Objectives. Outline: Bangladesh* Cambodia India Indonesia Malaysia Mongolia* Nepal* Philippines Thailand Vietnam *Indicates USARPAC Lead for Coordinating Health Engagements Transformation is driving change. HQDA presents a new paradigm to Army Medicine in the Pacific driving the need for change and implementation Strategic context is driven by Army Medical Enterprise new posture in supporting the Pacific Operational Problem is an attempt to identify current gaps and inconsistencies in lieu of the multiple campaign plans from TCP to RHC-P Planning Assumptions are the foundational elements that will allow this integrative solution to work. RHC-P will have an inherent ADCON relationship with all Medical Units assigned to the Pacific and TRA to all Regionally Aligned Medical Units closing the loop on theater synchronization to enable the warfighter We show the benefits as I understand them today and close with the impact of not adapting to the pendin directed changes from HQDA Endstate: RHC-P Health Engagements assure our allies and partners, prepare them to assume multinational leadership roles, enhance partner capacity to participate in multilateral crisis response, open lines of communication, and sustain access to countries with limited capacity to contribute toward regional and international security.
Bangladesh Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways, Pacific Resilience Disaster Response Exercise Exchange (DREE), Pacific Angel, Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Global Health Security Agenda Phase 1 Country (CDC Liaison), Oregon National Guard SPP, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, AFRIMS, USAID, NAMRU 6 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P1: Med Spt to PKO Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P2: Med Spt to PKO US MEDEX Observation SMEE (18th) P3: Med Spt to PKO Clinical/Functional P4: Med Spt to PKO Med Ops TTX (18th) P5: Med Spt to PKO US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase HA/DR & PKO capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Clinical Laboratory Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P1: Physical Therapy Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P2: Clinical Laboratory Handling Bio/Chem Sample SMEE (TAMC) P2: PT – Initial / Intermediate PT Eval and Treatment SMEE P3: Clinical Laboratory Infectious Borne Diseases SMEE (TAMC / AFRIMS) P3: PT - Phys Fitness Enhancement & Injury Prevention SMEE P4: Clinical Laboratory Disposal of Haz Waste SMEE (TAMC) P4: PT - Advance Clinical & Operational Practice SMEE P5: Clinical Laboratory L2 deployable hospital lab operations SMEE (TAMC) P5: PT - Burn & Wound Care, Amputee Rehab SMEE Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assess P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Land Forces Talks Bilateral Defense Dialogues Senior Leader Engagement APMHE, ADMM+ Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
Cambodia Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways, Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, Lower Mekong Initiative, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, AFRIMS, NAMRU 2, DTRA CBEP, Joint Personnel Accountability Command, Idaho National Guard SPP, USAID, World Health Organization 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P1: Med Spt to PKO Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P2: Med Spt to PKO US MEDEX Observation SMEE (18th) P3: Med Spt to PKO Clinical/Functional P4: Med Spt to PKO Med Ops TTX (18th) P5: Med Spt to PKO US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase ability to export HA/DR & PKO Capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: SMEE on Current MEDLOG Operations P2: USPACOM Blood Program Initiative P2: SMEE for routine facility medical supply observation P3: USPACOM Blood Program Initiative P3:SMEE for routine facility medical equipment observation P4: USPACOM Blood Program Initiative P4: Concept Dev. Workshop SOP refinement P5: USPACOM Blood Program Initiative P5: SMEE for clinical engagement of MEDLOG Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P1: Veterinary Concept Development Workshop (PHC-P) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Vet Disease Surveillance / Field Epidemiology SMEE (PHC-P, NAMRU2, DTRA, CDC) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / P3: Vet Bio-Safety Best Practices (PHCP, NAMRU2, DTRA,CDC) P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P4: Vet Small Animal Clinic SMEE (PHC-P, NAMRU2, DTRA, CDC) P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE P5: Vet Large Animal NAMRU2, DTRA, CDC) Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Present Engagement Concept at Land Forces Talks Support Senior Leader Engagement Support to ADMM+ attendees Support Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
India Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways, Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, AFRIMS, Joint Personnel Accountability Command, USAID, World Health Organization 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P1: Med Spt to HA/DR Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P2: Med Spt to HA/DR US MEDEX Observation (18th) P3: Med Spt to HA/DR Clinical/Functional P4: Med Spt to HA/DR Med Ops TTX (18th) P5: Med Spt to HA/DR US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase ability to export HA/DR & PKO Capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Clinical Laboratory Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P1: Physical Therapy Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P2: Clinical Laboratory Handling Bio/Chem Sample SMEE (TAMC) P2: PT – Initial / Intermediate PT Eval and Treatment SMEE P3: Clinical Laboratory Infectious Borne Diseases SMEE (TAMC / AFRIMS) P3: PT - Phys Fitness Enhancement & Injury Prevention SMEE P4: Clinical Laboratory Disposal of Haz Waste SMEE (TAMC) P4: PT - Advance Clinical & Operational Practice SMEE P5: Clinical Laboratory L2 deployable hospital lab operations SMEE (TAMC) P5: PT - Burn & Wound Care, Amputee Rehab SMEE Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P1: Veterinary Concept Development Workshop (PHC-P) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Vet Disease Surveillance / Field Epidemiology SMEE (PHC-P) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / P3: Vet Bio-Safety Best Practices (PHCP) P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P4: Vet Small Animal Clinic SMEE (PHC-P) P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE P5: Vet Large Animal Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Present Engagement Concept at Land Forces Talks Support Senior Leader Engagement Support to ADMM+ attendees Support Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
Indonesia Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways (Garuda Shield), Pacific Partnership, Pacific Angel, Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Global Health Security Agenda Phase 1 Country, Hawaii National Guard SPP, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, AFRIMS, USAID, DTRA CBEP 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P1: Med Spt to PKO Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P2: Med Spt to PKO US MEDEX Observation (18th) P3: Med Spt to PKO Clinical/Functional P4: Med Spt to PKO Med Ops TTX (18th) P5: Med Spt to PKO US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase HA/DR & PKO capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Dental Concept Development Workshop (DENCOM/TAMC) P1: Radiology Concept Development Workshop (TAMC/MAMC) P2: Dental OIP Observation of US Clinics in HI (DENCOM/TAMC)) P2: Digital Radiography and Fluoroscopy SMEE (TAMC/MAMC) P3: Dental Oral Health Prevention SMEE (DENCOM/TAMC) P3: Teleradiology Workshop (TAMC/MAMC) P4: Dental Emergencies & Forensic Dentistry SMEE (DENCOM/TAMC) P4: Ultrasound Capability Workshop (TMAC/MAMC) P5: PN Dental Clinic Validation SMEE (DENCOM) P5: Radiology for Veterans Care Workshop (TAMC/MAMC) Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach SMEE (PHC-P) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Land Forces Talks Bilateral Defense Dialogues Senior Leader Engagement APMHE, ADMM+ Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
Malaysia Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways (Keris Strike), Pacific Partnership, Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Global Health Security Agenda, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, AFRIMS, NMRC-A, DTRA CBEP, USAID 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P2: Med Spt to HA/DR Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P3: Med Spt to HA/DR US MEDEX Observation (18th) P4: Med Spt to HA/DR Clinical/Functional P5: Med Spt to HA/DR Med Ops TTX (18th) P6: Med Spt to HA/DR US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase HA/DR & PKO capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Clinical Laboratory Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P1: Pharmacy Concept Development Workshop (TAMC/MAMC) P2: Clinical Laboratory Handling Bio/Chem Samples SMEE (TAMC) P2: Pharm Formulary Mgmt for Garrison, HA/DR, Trauma/Cas Care SMEE (TAMC) P3: Clinical Laboratory Infectious Borne Disease SMEE (TAMC / AFRIMS) P3: Specialty Pharmacy Services (Nuclear, etc) SMEE (TAMC) P4: Clinical Laboratory Disposal of Haz Waste SMEE (TAMC) P4: Pharm Edu Programs, QA/QI, Mobile Capability SMEE (TAMC) P5: Clinical Laboratory L2 deployable hospital lab operations SMEE (TAMC) Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P1: Veterinary Concept Development Workshop (PHC-P) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Vet Disease Surveillance / Field Epidemiology SMEE (PHC-P) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / P3: Vet Bio-Safety Best Practices (PHCP) P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P4: Vet Small Animal Clinic SMEE (PHC-P) P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE P5: Vet Large Animal Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Land Forces Talks Bilateral Defense Dialogues Senior Leader Engagement APMHE, ADMM+ Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan.
Mongolia Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways (Khaan Quest), Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, AFRIMS, USAID, World Health Organization, NAMRU 2 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P2: Med Spt to HA/DR Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P3: Med Spt to HA/DR US MEDEX Observation (18th) P4: Med Spt to HA/DR Clinical/Functional P5: Med Spt to HA/DR Med Ops TTX (18th) P6: Med Spt to HA/DR US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase HA/DR & PKO capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Clinical Laboratory Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P1: Pharmacy Concept Development Workshop (TAMC/MAMC) P2: Clinical Laboratory Handling Bio/Chem Samples SMEE (TAMC) P2: Pharm Formulary Mgmt for Garrison, HA/DR, Trauma/Cas Care SMEE (TAMC) P3: Clinical Laboratory Infectious Borne Disease SMEE (TAMC / AFRIMS) P3: Specialty Pharmacy Services (Nuclear, etc) SMEE (TAMC) P4: Clinical Laboratory Disposal of Haz Waste SMEE (TAMC) P4: Pharm Edu Programs, QA/QI, Mobile Capability SMEE (TAMC) P5: Clinical Laboratory L2 deployable hospital lab operations SMEE (TAMC) Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P1: Veterinary Concept Development Workshop (PHC-P) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Vet Disease Surveillance / Field Epidemiology SMEE (PHC-P) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / P3: Vet Bio-Safety Best Practices (PHCP) P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P4: Vet Small Animal Clinic SMEE (PHC-P) P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE P5: Vet Large Animal Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Present Engagement Concept at Land Forces Talks Support Senior Leader Engagement Support to ADMM+ attendees Support Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
Nepal Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Resilience Disaster Response Exercise, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, APMHE, Walter Reed/AFRIMS Research Unit Nepal (WARUN), USAID, NEPMU6 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P2: Med Spt to HA/DR Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P3: Med Spt to HA/DR US MEDEX Observation SMEE (18th) P4: Med Spt to HA/DR Clinical/Functional P5: Med Spt to HA/DR Med Ops TTX (18th) P6: Med Spt to HA/DR US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase HA/DR & PKO capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Clinical Laboratory Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P1: SMEE on Current MEDLOG Operations P2: Clinical Laboratory Handling Bio/Chem Sample SMEE (TAMC) P2: SMEE for routine facility medical supply observation P3: Clinical Laboratory Infectious Borne Diseases SMEE (TAMC / AFRIMS) P3:SMEE for routine facility medical equipment observation P4: Clinical Laboratory Disposal of Haz Waste SMEE (TAMC) P4: Concept Dev. Workshop SOP refinement P5: Clinical Laboratory L2 deployable hospital lab operations SMEE (TAMC) P5: SMEE for clinical engagement of MEDLOG Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P1: Veterinary Concept Development Workshop (PHC-P, WARUN) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Vet Disease Surveillance / Field Epidemiology SMEE (PHC-P, WARUN) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / P3: Vet Bio-Safety Best Practices (PHC P, WARUN) P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P4: Vet Small Animal Clinic SMEE (PHC-P, P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE P5: Vet Large Animal Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Land Forces Talks Bilateral Defense Dialogues Senior Leader Engagement APMHE, ADMM+ Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
Philippines Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways (Balikatan), Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, Philippines-AFRIMS Virology Research Unit (PAVRU), Joint Personnel Accountability Command, Guam and Hawaii National Guard SPP, USAID, World Health Organization, CDHAM, NAMRU 2 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P2: Med Spt to PKO Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P3: Med Spt to PKO US MEDEX Observation SMEE (18th) P4: Med Spt to PKO Clinical/Functional P5: Med Spt to PKO Med Ops TTX (18th) P6: Med Spt to PKO US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase HA/DR & PKO capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Clinical Laboratory Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P1: AEA on Current MEDLOG Operations P2: Clinical Laboratory Handling Bio/Chem Sample SMEE (TAMC) P2: SMEE for routine facility medical supply observation P3: Clinical Laboratory Infectious Borne Diseases SMEE (TAMC / PAVRU) P3:SMEE for routine facility medical equipment observation P4: Clinical Laboratory Disposal of Haz Waste SMEE (TAMC) P4: Concept Dev. Workshop SOP refinement P5: Clinical Laboratory L2 deployable hospital lab operations SMEE (TAMC) P5: SMEE for clinical engagement of MEDLOG Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P1: Veterinary Concept Development Workshop (PHC-P and PAVRU) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Vet Disease Surveillance / Field Epidemiology SMEE (PHC-P and PAVRU) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE P3: Vet Bio-Safety Best Practices (PHC-P and PAVRU) P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P4: Vet Small Animal Clinic SMEE (PHC-P P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE P5: Vet Large Animal Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Land Forces Talks Bilateral Defense Dialogues Senior Leader Engagement APMHE, ADMM+ Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
Thailand Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways, Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, PMESII, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, Lower Mekong Initiative, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, AFRIMs, Joint Personnel Accountability Command, Washington National Guard SPP, USAID, World Health Organization, CDHAM, NAMRU 2 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P2: Med Spt to HA/DR Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P3: Med Spt to HA/DR US MEDEX Observation SMEE (18th) P4: Med Spt to HA/DR Clinical/Functional P5: Med Spt to HA/DR Med Ops TTX (18th) P6: Med Spt to HA/DR US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase HA/DR & PKO capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Clinical Laboratory Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P1: SMEE on Current MEDLOG Operations P2: Clinical Laboratory Handling Bio/Chem Sample SMEE (TAMC) P2: SMEE for routine facility medical supply observation P3: Clinical Laboratory Infectious Borne Diseases SMEE (TAMC / AFRIMS) P3:SMEE for routine facility medical equipment observation P4: Clinical Laboratory Disposal of Haz Waste SMEE (TAMC) P4: Concept Dev. Workshop SOP refinement P5: Clinical Laboratory L2 deployable hospital lab operations SMEE (TAMC) P5: SMEE for clinical engagement of MEDLOG Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P1: Veterinary Concept Development Workshop (PHC-P) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Vet Disease Surveillance / Field Epidemiology SMEE (PHC-P) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE P3: Vet Bio-Safety Best Practices (PHCP) P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P4: Vet Small Animal Clinic SMEE (PHC-P) P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE P5: Vet Large Animal Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Land Forces Talks Bilateral Defense Dialogues Senior Leader Engagement APMHE, ADMM+ Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
Vietnam Health Engagement Plan Strategic Enablers, Tools, and Resources Pacific Pathways, Joint Chief of Staff Exercises, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, PMESII, ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting Plus, Lower Mekong Initiative, ASEAN Regional Forum, APMHE, AFRIMs, Joint Personnel Accountability Command, Oregon National Guard SPP, USAID, World Health Organization, CDHAM, NAMRU 2 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Line of Effort Engagement Objective Health System Support (Shape) P1: Med Spt to PKO Medical Operations Deployment Planning SMEE (18th) P2: Med Spt to PKO US MEDEX Observation SMEE (18th) P3: Med Spt to PKO Clinical/Functional P4: Med Spt to PKO Med Ops TTX (18th) P5: Med Spt to PKO US-PN MEDEX (18th) Enhance Defense Relationships Support Military Professionalism Increase Access & Interoperability Enhance US Military Medical Readiness Increase HA/DR & PKO capability Health Service Support (Posture) P1: Clinical Laboratory Cap Dev Workshop (TAMC) P1: SMEE on Current MEDLOG Operations P2: Clinical Laboratory Handling Bio/Chem Sample SMEE (TAMC) P2: SMEE for routine facility medical supply observation P3: Clinical Laboratory Infectious Borne Diseases SMEE (TAMC / AFRIMS) P3:SMEE for routine facility medical equipment observation P4: Clinical Laboratory Disposal of Haz Waste SMEE (TAMC) P4: Concept Dev. Workshop SOP refinement P5: Clinical Laboratory L2 deployable hospital lab operations SMEE (TAMC) P5: SMEE for clinical engagement of MEDLOG Force Health Protection (Ready) P1: Preventive Med Conducting OEHSA/All Hazards Approach (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P1: Veterinary Concept Development Workshop (PHC-P) P2: Preventive Med Deployment OEHSA Phase I SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P2: Vet Disease Surveillance / Field Epidemiology SMEE (PHC-P) P3: Preventive Med Occ/Env Sampling and Health Risk Assessment SMEE (PHC P / AFRIMS / P3: Vet Bio-Safety Best Practices (PHCP) P4: Preventive Med Food / Water / Soil Vector Assessment SMEE (PHC-P / AFRIMS / NEPMU6) P4: Vet Small Animal Clinic SMEE (PHC-P) P5: Preventive Med TTX – Deployment OEHSA Phase II SMEE P5: Vet Large Animal Strategic Leadership (Communicate) Land Forces Talks Bilateral Defense Dialogues Senior Leader Engagement APMHE, ADMM+ Attendance at ASEAN Regional Forum for HA/DR Notes: Current assessment based on the plan. *See RHC-P Functional Area Playbooks for DOTMLPF Assessment Scorecard, Engagement Strategy, and draft CONOPs
Serving to Heal…Honored to Serve