Philosophy of Religion Revision: Religious Language Mr. Dezilva November 28th, 2013.
Past Questions Critically assess the views of Paul Tillich on religious language. Evaluate the claim that analogy can successfully be used to express the human understanding of God. Critically compare the use of myth with the use of analogy to express the human understanding of God
Questions continued… Critically assess the claim that religious language is meaningless The falsification principle presents no real challenge to religious belief. Discuss Critically assess Wittgenstein’s belief that language games allow religious statements to have meaning. Critically compare the use of myth with the use of analogy to express the human understanding of God
**There has been a Religious Language question on these assessments since January 2010. **
Important People to Know The Vienna Circle (Empiricism & Logical Positivism) A.J Ayer (Verification Principle) Anthony Flew (Falsification) Ludwig Wittgenstein (Verification Principle; picture-theory; Language Games) Paul Tillich (Symbolism) Karl Popper (Falsification Principle) Maimonides (via negativa) John Hick* (Scripture as Myth, Eschatological Verification) Rudolf Bultmann* (Scripture as Myth) Thomas Aquinas* (Two types of Analogy) Richard Swinburne (Falsification Principal – criticism) * Extended/Wider Reading