Welcome to 3rd Grade “A Whole New World”
Meet Our Tribe Mrs. Lisa Lee Mrs. Crystal Spain Mrs. Jeanette Talbot Mrs. Dorothy Williams Mrs. Rebecca Williams
Class Dojo This is our main form of communication. Please connect if you haven’t done so already.
Grading Scale A = 100-90 (excellent progress) B = 89-80 (above average progress) C = 79-70 (average progress) F = 69-0 (unsatisfactory progress/failure) Any missing assignments will result in a grade of 50 until turned in. Grades can be accessed through the Parent Portal. If you do not already have the login information for your child, you will need to contact the office so you can get access.
Grading Scale Continued Tests/Projects= 60% of student grades Other assignments= 40% of student grades Other assignments are: Classwork, quizzes, participation, etc
Attendance/Tardies Attendance Policy Tardies Policy In order for your child to be successful in third grade, attendance is vital. School and class instruction begin promptly at 8:15 AM. Please send in doctor’s/written notes when absent. Tardies Policy A referral to the assistant principal will be made once students have had 3 tardies which may result in missing a portion of the PBIS celebration to make up the missed instruction due to tardies.
Assessments in 3rd BOG- Beginning of 3rd Grade Reading 3D- 3X a year CogAt- Test for AIG qualifications NC ENSI- Math assessment 3X a year EOG- End of 3rd Grade (Reading and Math) RTA Portfolio- (October- May)
What’s New? Reading 3D Level Q by the end of year; used to be level P, but NC has raised the bar Reading 3D has no written component; just oral. However, the new books are more challenging as well as the level of questioning
Let’s Stay Positive!! 3rd Grade can be the most challenging year of Elementary School Parents stay calm so your babies will stay calm Encourage your child to do their best and nothing less Our guts never lie, contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible, if you’re not happy with your child’s performance
RTA Talk What is RTA? Does my child have to complete a portfolio? If so, why?
Thank you for coming into our world tonight!