Ngātiwai Trust Board Hui-A-Iwi Te Whanau-o-Rangiwhakaahu Marae Matapouri
Agenda - Friday 1st July 2016 Time Kaupapa 3:00pm Powhiri/kapu ti 4:00pm Housekeeping 4:15pm Hui overview and whakawhanaungatanga 5:30pm Dinner 6:30pm Te Kupenga Reo 7:30pm Supper 8:00pm Video – The Story of the childern of the seas – the story of Ngātiwai 9:00pm Karakia, End of day 1
Agenda - Saturday 2nd July 2016 Time Kaupapa 7:00am Karakia 7:15am Breakfast 9:00am Treaty Settlement Update: Update on urgency hearings process Understanding the claims Impact of separate settlements on Ngātiwai 11:00am Morning Tea 11:30am Workshop breakout session (Treaty Settlement workshops) 2:00pm Feedback review and summary of the day 2:45pm Karakia/hui whakamutunga 3:00pm Hakari