ELENA Magnet Installation Planning Daniel Schoerling on behalf of WP 2.2 and WP 2.16 2nd of July 2015 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
A.I Introduction: Magnet System AD Antiproton Decelerator WP description: EDMS 1208752; Functional specifications: EDMS 1255274, 1289419, 1258968, 1258752, 1258965, 1258972, 1255279; Design reports: EDMS 1311860, 1297334, 1310534, 1308783, 1401371, 1302869, 1401371, 1302869; Engineering specifications: EDMS 1298078, 1304547, 1315522, 1314033, 1345650, 1309174; Technical specifications: 1295518, 1401460, 1312876; D. Schoerling, ATS report, CERN-ACC-2013-0261; D. Schoerling, “Status of the ELENA magnet system”, IPAC’14, Dresden, July 2014. 8 dipoles 16 quadrupoles 3 skew quadrupoles 3 TL dipoles 14 H/V correctors 5 sextupoles 3 solenoids Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
A.I Magnets: Installation The installation of the vacuum chambers will be performed in 181 in NormaLam The quadrupoles, H/V correctors, sextupoles, TL bending need to be opened for the installation of the vacuum chambers. Solenoid and bending magnet vacuum chamber can be slided into the magnet The vacuum chambers can be delivered directly to 181 (Maxime Dumas) once they are ready. Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
B.I Magnets: ELENA Ring Dipoles Delivery schedule from Danfysik (+2 months delay + 2.5 months for certification and MM at CERN): Magnet Current planning Ready Sector 2 19/10/2015 18/02/2016 Sector 3 14/12/2015 Sector 4 17/12/2015 16/03/2016 Sector 5 01/03/2016 Sector 6 15/03/2016 13/04/2016 Sector 1 NCs 23/06/2015 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
B.I Magnets: ELENA Ring & TL Quadrupoles Contract delayed by currently around 7 weeks (ordering of tooling + steel delivery). Skew quadrupoles arrive together with quadrupoles. Deliverable Ready Notification of acceptance of materials and components delivered (§5.1.5) Samples (§5.1.6) Pre-series production (normal + skew) (§5.1.7) 04/12/2015 Series production (§5.1.8), second batch, containing five series magnets (four normal and one skew) 04/04/2016 Series production (§5.1.8), third batch, containing five series magnets (four normal and one skew) 15/04/2016 Series production (§5.1.8), fourth batch, containing five series magnets (normal) 06/05/2016 Series production (§5.1.8), fifth batch, containing two series magnets (normal), one set of coils per magnet type (four normal and four skew), two yoke piles, tooling, remaining CERN material, final manufacturing file and the user’s manual 15/05/2016 Options, two additional series normal and/or two skew quadrupole magnets (if the option will be taken up by CERN, see §2.5) Oct. 2015 Apr. 2016 QPMA for TL: https://norma-db.web.cern.ch/magdesign/idcard/?id=270 . #41 or #42 is ready for installation, were magnetically measured Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
B.I Magnets: ELENA Ring Sextupole Standard contract with small number of magnets. No contingency left. Magnet batch Current planning Ready Pre-series 10/2015 Series 12/2015 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
Magnets: H/V corrector To avoid all hysteresis effect an iron-free design was proposed and designed. Indirect cooling concept. Prototype was manufactured at CERN. Magnetic measurements were performed and small modification were applied to the design. Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
B.I Magnets: H/V corrector Metal winding mandrel manufacture pre-series produced at Wilting, Netherlands. Notification was sent out 30/06/2015. No contingency left. Correctors for e-cooler not considered. Oct. 2015 Apr. 2016 Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
B.I Magnets: ELENA Compensation Solenoids Contract is progressing well. Magnet batch Current planning Ready 2 magnets 10/2015 & 02/2016 10/2015 & 01/2016 Proposal: Do installation of the two solenoids together in 02/2016! Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
B.I Magnets: TL Bending Magnets MBL magnet First magnet is ready for installation! Series magnets will be ready in October 2015. Installation foreseen in January 2016. n bn an 2 -0.35 0.73 3 -3.86 0.81 4 -0.03 -0.08 5 0.06 -0.32 6 0.09 7 -0.10 0.16 0.72 T/s 0.36 T/s 1.44 T/s Slightly affected by overshoot of PC Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
B.I Magnets: Materials delivered by CERN All auxiliary material is either delivered or ready for delivery. Mandrels for corrector parts are produced after the pre-series is produced to be able to implement small changes into the design. Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
C.I Magnetic Measurements Fluxmeter Quadrupoles, correctors, sextupoles and TL dipole will be measured with dedicated rotating coil measurement equipment. Measurement equipment for ELENA ring dipole magnet is ongoing. Option 1: PCB under development with Elvia FR Option 2: Litz-wire fluxmeter was constructed at CERN Best option is the PCB. Two options were pursued because it is the first time that such a high sensitivity flux meter for low ramp-rates is built Two in-house flux meter wound and electrically connected. Calibration and impregnation is on-going. Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC
D. IV Conclusion First magnets ready for installation (TL bending magnet & QPMA). Other magnets will be ready, with very minor impact on the final overall installation date. Team of 5 engineers/technicians is ensuring a close follow-up for a timely and high-quality delivery of the magnets. Team of 2 engineers/technicians performs magnetic measurements NormaTef is available for performing the certification in a timely manner. NormaLam is available for performing the installation of the magnets. Daniel Schoerling TE-MSC-MNC