Modelling sustainability in water supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® Ilse Pieterse-Quirijns, Claudia Agudelo-Vera, Mirjam Blokker
promote sustainability Background: “problem description” sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® climate change energy costs population growth increased urbanisation increased consumption reuse of wastewater harvesting of rainwater recovery of nutrients from wastewater energy efficiency recovery of energy from wastewater promote sustainability
Purpose: contribution SIMDEUM® in sustainability Purpose: contribution SIMDEUM® in sustainability sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® Purpose: Contribution of SIMDEUM® in sustainability in supply and drainage to buildings: Case 1: energy efficient design of water heaters Case 2: grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting system Case 3: recovery of thermal energy and nutrients from wastewater
SIMDEUM®: model for water demand SIMDEUM®: model for water demand sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® SIMulation of water Demand, an End Use Model Philosophy: installation inside building: characteristics water using appliances users: water use behaviour SIMDEUM residential diurnal cold and hot water demand patterns non-residential diurnal cold and hot water demand patterns design rules for houses and apartment buildings design rules for non-residential buildings (offices, hotels, nursing homes) Library typical water demand patterns SIMDEUM pattern generator
SIMDEUM®: model for water demand SIMDEUM®: model for water demand sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® SIMulation of water Demand, an End Use Model Philosophy: installation inside building: characteristics water using appliances users: water use behaviour users appliances SIMDEUM presence when do they use water? for which reason? flow rate duration frequency desired temperature dependent on user bathroomtap dependent on purpose of use kitchentap
SIMDEUM®: model for water demand SIMDEUM®: model for water demand sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® demand patterns at each tap during the day for cold AND hot water demand patterns for building during the day for cold AND hot water demand patterns for apartment building during the day for cold AND hot water
apartment building hot cold hotel hot cold nursing home cold hot
SIMDEUM® in energy efficient design of water heaters Case 1 SIMDEUM® in energy efficient design of water heaters
Case 1: energy efficient design of water heaters Case 1: energy efficient design of water heaters sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® Design of heating systems in practice: Badly (over-)designed systems Why? outdated existing guidelines and guidelines do not cover hot water demand Hygienic problems (water quality, Legionella) Less energy efficient In 2010: procedure to derive new design rules for cold and hot water based on SIMDEUM® In 2011: reliable prediction of peak demand values of cold and hot water for different buildings SIMDEUM based rules lead to comparable choice of heating system as based on measured hot water use
design based on SIMDEUM Case 1: energy efficient design of water heaters sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® Compare SIMDEUM-based design with proposal company: type of building design based on SIMDEUM proposal company volume [l] power [kW] apartment building I: standard 500 60 110 apartment building II: luxurious) 82 1000 80 hotel I (small business) 35 200 hotel II (large business) 4000 hotel III (tourist) 250 50 740 100 nursing home I: care needed residents 30 45 nursing home II: self-contained apartments 25 Dimensions proposed by company 2x to 4x dimensions from SIMDEUM SIMDEUM®: significant contribution in energy efficient design of heating systems
SIMDEUM® in grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting system Case 2 SIMDEUM® in grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting system
Case 2: grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting system sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® SIMDEUM
Case 2: grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting system Building type Free standing house Mid-rise apartment flat Occupancy 4 people (1 family) 56 people (28 apartments x 2 people) Roof area (m²) 60 640 # of toilets 2 (1 in each floor) 28 (1 per apartment) # of laundry machines 1 (in 1st floor) # of showers/bathtubs 1 (in 2nd floor) 28 showers (1 per apartment) – No bath Grey and rain water system Single house collection Shared collection Week demand pattern (hourly time step)
Case 2: grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting system sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® Optimisation for choice of storage capacity shows: LGW recycling is more beneficial than rainwater harvesting, for the same storage capacity Combine LGW and rainwater: maximum yield at smaller storage capacity Non-potable demand (DQ2) = 65 m³ y-1 = 16 m³ y-1 p-1 Potential recycling = 85 m³ y-1 = 21 m³ y-1 p-1 Potential rainwater harvesting = 48 m³ y-1 = 12 m³ y-1 p-1 Treatment rate = 160 l d-1 = 40 l d-1 p-1 Non-potable demand (DQ2) = 1108 m³ y-1 = 20 m³ y-1 p-1 Potential recycling = 930 m³ y-1 = 17 m³ y-1 p-1 Potential rainwater harvesting = 512 m³ y-1 = 9 m³ y-1 p-1 Treatment rate = 2240 l d-1 = 40 l d-1 p-1
Case 2: grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting system sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® SIMDEUM®: assists in proper choice of storage capacities and in understanding process dynamics in recycling systems Higher density of people higher yield/efficiency
SIMDEUM® in recovery of thermal energy and nutrients from wastewater Case 3 SIMDEUM® in recovery of thermal energy and nutrients from wastewater
Case 3: recovery of thermal energy and nutrients from wastewater sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® SIMulation of water Demand, an End Use Model Philosophy: installation inside building: characteristics water using appliances users: water use behaviour SIMDEUM Demand model Discharge model Purpose of water use for each appliance is known: time of use quantity temperature Provides information on wastewater quantity temperature quality (soap residue, medicines, nitrates) Recovery of energy and nutrients
Case 3: recovery of thermal energy and nutrients from wastewater Demand Discharge sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® Case 3: recovery of thermal energy and nutrients from wastewater SIMDEUM®: quantifies the energy and nutrient loads in discharge flows for recovery purposes
sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® CONCLUSION sustainability in supply and drainage with SIMDEUM® SIMDEUM® reliable simulation of residential and non-residential cold and hot water demand patterns discharge characteristics: quantity, quality and temperature of wastewater SIMDEUM® to promote sustainability: Energy efficient design: SIMDEUM based design rules reduce heater capacity with factor 2 to 4 Grey water recycling and rainwater harvesting: SIMDEUM assists in choice of storage capacities and continuous simulations Recovery of energy and nutrients: SIMDEUM renders information on discharge characteristics SIMDEUM also for other countries, other buildings and scenario studies