Sophisticated Mobile Application using Augmented reality Technology Atlink Communications Sophisticated Mobile Application using Augmented reality Technology Presented by: Capstone Team #5
Mentor & Instructor Mentor Mr. Dilhar De Silva Instructor Dr. Kwok Bun Yue 12/1/2018
Team Members Shivani Kovvuri Srikanth Majji Srikanth Inapurapu Software Designer Technical Report Documenter Web Developer Srikanth Inapurapu Research Analyst Programmer Tester Srikanth Majji Team Leader Database Administrator Programmer Manoj Gidda Research Analyst Technical Report Documenter Database Designer Nithin Kumar Dudde Software Designer Web Administrator 12/1/2018
Agenda Introduction Project Goal What is Augmented Reality Problem Statement Solution Demo Technical Details Technical Challenges Lessons Learnt Conclusion Future Work 12/1/2018
Introduction Smart phone users along with mobile apps are rapidly increasing. According to Millennial media and DIGIDAY, 2011 will be the Android year. 2010 2011 12/1/2018
Project Goal Develop an Android-based augmented reality (AR) mobile application through which images or text can be placed on top of the objects of the phone camera view based on the geo-location of the objects detected by the phone. It will also develop a server-side web application where users can place graphical image at a specific geocode (location) using Google Maps. 12/1/2018
What is Augmented Reality Augmented reality (AR) refers to the technology that offers a real-time view of one's immediate surroundings altered or enhanced by computer generated information. When users examine their environment through AR devices, they see information superimposed on the objects around them. 12/1/2018
Problem Statement Let us consider you are at a UHCL open house, we want to distribute the schedule of today’s program. How you can do that? 12/1/2018
Solution Image SMAART Server
Technologies Used Client side Server side 12/1/2018
Android Architecture What is android? Android architecture Smaart
Android Android SDK v2.2 through eclipse IDE Services onCreate() onDestroy() 12/1/2018
Android User Interface View Layout Notifications Data Storage Network connection Internal storage 12/1/2018
Qualcomm Vision based Augmented Reality Also called as pattern recognition Main elements in Qualcomm API Trackable Tracker Pose Why? 12/1/2018
Wikitude 1St Augmented reality browser Best augmented browser for 2010 between Layar, Junaio & Wikitude. Ready to use technology Just start the Wikitude intent and add POI’s 12/1/2018
Technical Challenges Selection of Android mobile phone 12/1/2018
Selection of Augmented Reality browser/engine 12/1/2018
Schedule RUP & Scrum Process Week Date Phase Week 1 01/20/2011 Inception phase Week 2 01/25/2011 Week 3 02/01/2011 Week 4 02/08/2011 Elaboration phase Week 5 02/15/2011 Week 6 02/22/2011 Week 7 03/01/2011 Construction phase Week 8 03/08/2011 Week 9 03/15/2011 Week 10 03/22/2011 Week 11 03/29/2011 Week 12 04/05/2011 Transition phase Week 13 04/12/2011 Week 14 04/19/2011 Week 15 04/26/2011
Major Tasks and Contributions Srikanth Majji (%) Inapurapu (%) Shivani Kovvuri (%) Nithin Kumar Dudde (%) Manoj Gidda (%) Research & Analysis on different AR browsers 20 Documentation on Abstract, Agenda & Meeting Minutes 15 35 Modeling Use cases and sequence Diagrams Software Requirements Specification(SRS) 30 Website Creation, Maintenance UI Design Database Design 10 25 Database connectivity with UI Technical Report 12/1/2018
Lessons Learnt Importance of analysis and design Time Management Effective communication skills 12/1/2018
Conclusion SMAART accomplished all requirements Implemented basic pattern recognition successfully 12/1/2018
Future work Performance can be improved More scope for pattern recognition using Qualcomm API 12/1/2018
References Learning about Wikitude API Comparing AR browsers Learning about Qualcomm API Information about Android fundamentals Basic knowledge about Augmented Reality 12/1/2018