Welcome to Years 5 and 6 Staff Year 5: Miss Roberts, Mrs Evans and Miss Kujawa Year 6: Mrs Doherty, Mrs Duncan and Mr Smith
Routines- Year 5 The children come into school at 8.45 am through the playground door and independently complete an early bird task. PE days are on Monday and Tuesday. The children must have FULL P.E kits. Homework is handed out on a Monday and due in on a Friday. Maths, Literacy and Spellings homework will be set each week. Please make sure your child reads for at least 20 minutes each evening and this can be recorded in their books. Books can be changed each day if they are put in the box. 9.20-9.40 CLIC, Maths, break, Guided Reading, Literacy, SPaG and then foundation subjects.
Routines- Year 6 The children come into school at 8.45 am through the playground door and independently complete an early bird task. PE days are on Wednesday and Thursday. The children must have FULL P.E kits. Homework is handed out on a Tuesday and due in on a Monday. Maths, Literacy and Spellings homework will be set each week. Please make sure your child reads for at least 20 minutes each evening and this can be recorded in their books. Books can be changed each day if they are put in the box. 9.20-9.40 CLIC, Maths, break, Guided Reading, Literacy, SPaG and then foundation subjects.
Behaviour Policy Positive behaviour is rewarded by certificates, class treats, silver tokens and Dojos. We are following the ‘Golden Rules’. Sanctions will consist of: loss of Golden time, time out in class and lunchtime detentions. Each class has written a ‘Class Charter’ that the children have put together and agreed to follow.
Attendance and Lateness School starts at 8.50am and the register is taken down by 9.00am. Each morning, children complete an early morning task so it is important that your child arrives promptly to school so they are ready to learn. If your child is sick please call the office or leave a message by 8.30am. Children need to be collected at 3.25pm. If your child is being collected by someone different, please inform the school office and teacher in writing.
Curriculum In Literacy, the children will begin the term looking at poetry on the theme of ‘A Child’s War’. Using the Talk 4 Writing approach, this will include reading of a variety of texts, undertaking comprehension work and identifying success criteria. In SPAG, we will first identify and then learn to use accurately, the grammar and punctuation that feature in the genre. Spellings (that will be sent home weekly) for our year group will include patterns and key words. Having familiarised ourselves with the genre and its features, we will go on to write our own poems. Having warmed up and focused on language development in our poetry unit, we will next progress to personal recount writing. This unit will focus in particular on sequencing using time connectives, the use of detailed description with extended complex sentences and the use of narrative and informal language.
Curriculum Maths (yr5) – Core Maths will commence this term with a look at Place value, adding 4 and 5 digit numbers using the column method and will move on to multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10 & 100 and measurement (converting mm to cm / cm, to m and finding perimeters). Maths (yr6) – Core Maths wil commence this term with a look at Place Value. The children will read, wrie, order and compare numers up to 10, 000,000 and determine the value of each digit. They will perfom menal calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers and they will se their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations. CLIC – Happens 20 minutes each day. It is a daily sequential programme of mental maths provision with a strong emphasis on learned facts and developing the mental agility to do something with these facts. It develops core skills in one clear method. All are taught in the same way, repeatedly, to embed these fundamental skills. Big Maths highlights how small steps of progress with core numeracy follow on logically from one to the next.
Curriculum RE (Yr5)- We start off looking and comparing the stories of creation, recognising and discussing our God-given talents and identifying how we could use these to help others, before moving onto our new topic Miracles and the Sacrament of the Sick. Science (Yr5)- In Science, the children will be learning about animals including humans. We will be exploring human life cycles and the changes that occur as humans develop from birth to old age. This will include the skills of data collection, recording and data analysis. RE (Yr6) – Our new year in Re will commence with a study of The Story of the people of God. We will be looking at the structure of the Bibe and identifing different styles of literature found in the Bible. We will also be looking at some of the stories of the Old Testament before moving onto our next topic Followers of Christ. Science (Yr6) – In science the children will be learning about Animals including Humans. We will be identifying and naming the main parts of the circulatory system, and explaining the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood Topic- In both years, our learning project will be ‘A Child’s War’. We will be looking at life during the Second World War, in particular, from the perspective of a child. We will begin by identifying and placing the key dates and events from the WW2 on a timeline. We will also be learning about evacuation and rationing and will use a range of historical sources to research and retrieve information.
What to do if you have a concern Speak informally to the class teacher on the play ground (after school is best). Make an appointment with the class teacher. Speak through concerns at parents evening. Make an appointment to see the Key Stage leader, Deputy Head, SENCO or Executive Head.