Hedgehog vs Fox Cluster 1


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Presentation transcript:

Hedgehog vs Fox Cluster 1 Make poster of Hedgehog with Students and Their Learning Cluster 1

Are you a Hedgehog or Fox? Ticket In- Complete “Are you a Hedgehog or Fox?” Quiz Why "hedgehogs" and "foxes? "The distinction between “hedgehogs” and “foxes” was noted thousands of years ago by the Greek poet Archilochus, who wrote “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” 

“ The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” Knows many ways to protect against predators Foxes are fast and agile runners/‘flee’ rather than ‘fight’ Fast and agile runners Keep jaws wide open when running to snap in an instant Use all body parts (tail, claws, teeth) Swims away from enemies Digs/burrows in den Knows one way to protect against predators Curls in a ball to create a sharp shield of armor against predators Intense Accuracy

What is our one big focus as teachers? Students and their learning! Research: Data can be an incredibly useful tool for students and for teachers. It makes academic progress feel concrete for kids, and it helps teachers understand what students are learning and where more work needs to be done. As teachers we focus on student “ The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

Objective The Teachers will focus on specific students and standards to reteach for the next two weeks. Connection to TAP: SO (expectation for student performance is clear demanding and high) TKS (understand each students anticipated learning difficulties), Expectations (learning opportunities where all students can experience success). “ The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

How do we know if students have learned standards? Common Assessment/Analyze Results We will be using the Galileo Quarter 2 Benchmark as a data point to focus on how to tailor our instruction to meet the needs of our students. EXPLAIN reason for using Galileo-Galileo Benchmark 2 results have great value since they directly align to the AzMERIT blueprints (Look at chart paper). TRUE Reason- It may seem that we are “teaching to the test” but think globally. As a teacher, What is our goal? We want students to know and apply their learning of the standards. Galileo Benchmark 2 and AzMERIT are ways students display what they know. Our focus is on the STUDENTS and what they know. Our job as educators is for students to know standards. We are not “teaching to the test”. Rather, we are focusing on what standards do our students know, apply, and understand.

How do we know if students have learned standards? Step 1: Use Proficiency Levels from Galileo (Pre) Quarter 2 Benchmarks

How do we know if students have learned standards? Step 2: Use Proficiency Levels from Galileo 1 Quarter 2 Benchmarks

How do we know if students have learned standards? *Choose FOCUS students who you know can be pushed to the next level *Create ELA & Math goal Quarter 2 Benchmarks

What do we expect our students to learn? Mentor Highlight- Your mentor went through the data and focused on standards already taught *Your Turn- Compare the focused standards to your data by highlighting question types Your mentor went through the Galileo 2 data and focused on standards that have already been taught that need additional support. Go through the main focus standards that have already been taught. Do you need to focus on anymore standards that have ALREADY been taught? “ The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

What will we do if they don’t learn? Nice Job identifying which TAUGHT standards students did not fully understand Quick Write- *What specific actions can be taken to help students learn these standards? Look at standards you have taught and identify which standards students did not fully understand (mostly 40 percent or below). What can we do to help students who did not learn these standards? MAY WANT TO START DISCUSSION WITH MATH first and then move to ELA. “ The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog know one big thing.”

What will we do if they don’t learn? Homework Expectation: -Reteach specific standards for BOTH ELA and Math in morning work, enrichment* and tutoring for next 2 weeks Our Big Focus in Students and their learning! How will all of our hard work be “ The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

Thinking Ahead Homework Expectation (continued): -Give Sample Test for ELA/Math and score. Be ready to analyze data on Cluster February 1st . “ The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”