QUIZ Today Grab a book off of the shelf and get out your timeline. You will have 30 minutes to work and find the answers.
America Post-World War I Domestic Unrest and Communism
The Post WWI Economy After the war, prices of goods go up, increasing the COST OF LIVING. This comes about from INFLATION (which, if you stayed awake at any point during the month of September, you know raises prices). Workers wanted higher wages, but companies wanted wages low. STRIKES occur throughout the country.
And it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out… Seattle General Strike – Started in shipyards, but moves to workers in all other unions. Shuts down the city for 5 days. Boston Police Strike (1919) – Police walk off the job. Riots erupt and Gov. CALVIN COOLIDGE calls the Nat. Guard. Steel Strike – 350,000 steel workers strike across the country. Riots in Gary, Indiana leave 18 strikers dead.
RED SCARE The Strikes, as well as the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, make people FEAR COMMUNISM. Many see supporting Communism as unpatriotic and disloyal. Beginning in 1919, many people fear that Communists might take over the country. When bombs to politicians show up in the mail, people suspect Communist activity.
PALMER RAIDS A. Mitchell Palmer is the U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL. In 1919, a bomb explodes near his house, and everyone suspects Communists or anarchists. Palmer (perhaps understandably) flies off the handle and starts raiding and arresting people he believed to be radical. These raids continue from 1919 to 1921. His raids were illegal – they didn’t use search warrants, and he jailed people indefinitely. Initially, people back him, but eventually he loses credibility.
An End to the Progressive Era (Finally) In 1920, the Democrats nominate a progressive candidate for president (James Cox), and he is defeated by the Republican Warren G. Harding. This signals the END of the Progressive Era. The American people have grown tired of change.