Meeting of the National Urban Audit Co-Ordinators, 10-11 May 2017 Item 3a: Update on Tercet
Is NUTS enough? A 3-level statistical classification of territorial units, mirroring the administrative stucture of the Member States, Guaranteeing harmonised standards and comparable data for analyses and policy making.
But we have new developments:
And not only cities have their specifities (and not yet a legal definition), but also... - urban versus rural regions - coastal versus non-coastal regions and areas - metropolitan regions - functional urban areas, catching the influence of commuting for the cities - border, mountain, island, remote and sparsely populated regions
The Tercet proposal - integrating territorial typologies into the NUTS Regulation to establish one common framework - minimalistic approach: no separate legislation needed, only the most relevant typologies included - establish legal recognition so that legislative acts and/or other actions can use them as reference (urban innovative actions, EU urban agenda) - ensure their harmonised application across the EU and the OECD (and the UN? -> Project on global city definition)
Territorial levels The typologies in Tercet will cover the most important typologies at the level of: NUTS 3 (lowest regional level) LAU (local level)
Territorial typologies at NUTS 3 level: a) Urban/rural typology Predominantly urban regions Intermediate regions Predominantly rural regions b) Metropolitan typology Metropolitan regions Non-metropolitan regions c) Maritime typology Coastal regions Non-coastal regions
Urban/rural typology: unemployment rates
Territorial typologies at LAU-level: a) Degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA) Urban areas - 'Cities' or 'Densely populated areas' - 'Towns and suburbs' or 'Intermediate density areas' 'Rural areas' or 'Thinly populated areas' b) Functional urban areas (FUA) Cities plus their... Commuting zones c) Coastal areas Coastal areas Non-coastal areas
Cities: Proportion of foreigners
Degree of urbanisation ('DEGURBA')
DEGURBA: People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
DEGURBA: self-perceived health, bad and very bad, 16 yrs or over
Statistical grid (1km2) In order to be able to calculate the other typologies, - Eurostat will maintain a statistical grid, - based on 1km2 and - on the definitions in INSPIRE. Grid cells can be either urban centres, urban clusters or rural grid cells, depending on the density of the population.
Consultations / Discussions WG in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 DIMESA in June 2015 (oral) and May 2016 (written) Inter-service consultation Commission September 2016 ESSC in November 2016
Adoption Commission adoption in December 2016; In the Council Working Parties in February, March and April; Council draft compromise text in late-April; could be adopted by mid-May; COREPER thereafter; In the EP's REGI committee in April: will go for simplified procedure (without amendments); Trilogue EP/Council/Commission in June?; Adoption in second half of 2017; Implementing Regulation on uniform conditions thereafter.
Results of readings in the CWPS - More emphasis on statistical nature of the typologies; references to other Union acts deleted - Stronger legal safeguards: The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 7a to adapt amend Annex II. on the basis of corresponding developments in the Member States for the purpose of reflecting the changes in the administrative units that have been notifed to it by the Member State concerned.’; - Clarification that typologies are only to be applied in the Union, not in the MSs
Tercet is not (yet)...:
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