Spaghetti & Marshmallows Experiment
Group Work Students will be placed in groups. Instructions: Students are to create a free-standing tower using only dry spaghetti and marshmallows. Balance and height will be the object in this experiment.
Experimental Method Research method that involves manipulating independent variables to determine how they affect dependent variables. Independent Variable – Variable manipulated by the researcher to determine its effects on a dependent variable. Dependent Variable – Variable that shows the outcome of an experiment by revealing the effects of an independent variable.
Experimental Method Cont. Hypothesis – testable prediction, about which variable or variables cause the behavior under consideration. Experimental Group – Group that receives the effect of the independent variable being manipulated. Control Group – Group in the experiment that does not receive the effect of the independent variable being manipulated. Operational Definitions – Careful & precise definitions that allow other researchers to repeat an experiment. Verify Findings
Why is there a need for ethics? Psychologist must maintain high standards of competence in their work, including recognizing the limitations of their expertise. Must respect the rights and dignity of people. Each proposal must be approved by an Institution review board (IRB) established by a college, university, or organization where research is being conducted.
Code of Ethics Protection From Harm Confidentiality Voluntary Participation Deception and Intimidation Ethics of Research of Animals