doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Japanese Radio Regulations for RFID in 433MHz,2.4GHz and UWB ] Date Submitted: [15March, 2010] Source: [Masashi Shimizu] Company [NTT] Address [239-0847 1-1 Hikarinooka Yokosuka Japan] Voice:[+81 468 59 8695], FAX: [+81 468 59 3351], E-Mail:[] Re: [ Abstract: [Summary of Japanese RR about Permitted frequency for RFID] Purpose: [Understanding Japanese RR] Notice: This document has been shown Japanese RR for RFID. Release: This document was from Japanese radio standard ARIB.. <author>, <company>
Japanese Radio Regulations for RFID in 433MHz,2.4GHz and UWB NTT Masashi Shimizu
433MHz 1.74MHz 10mW ETSI (ECC DEC(04)02) 1MHz 5.6mW USA (FCC15.240) 200KHz 1mW DUTY 10% Japan (ARIB STD-T92) 433.05 433.5 433.82 434.02 434.5 434.79 433.92MHz 433MHz
Assumed 433MHz basic system Wakeup Tags Ack Command Interrogator Response
433MHz in JAPAN
UWB in JAPAN Near field high speed communication only. Power level is limited lower than 41.3dBm≒74nW/MHz, bandwidth should be kept 3.4-4.2GHz or 7.25-10.25GHz in JAPAN. The minimum data rate is 50Mbps. From 2010 low band will be narrowed to 4.2GHz to 4.8GHz and DAA will be mandate. Tags must be response from AC powered interrogator. One way beacon is prohibited. ARIB STD T91 In door only ARIB STD not yet Out door/ In door with DAA After 2010 DAA will be mandate until 2009 After 2010 no use No USB 3.4GHz 4.2GHz 4.8GHz 7.25GHz 10.25GHz
Japanese RR Carrier frequency Allowable Bandwidth Transmit power 2400MHz to 2483.5MHz Allowable Bandwidth 83.5MHz(FH or FH+DS or FH+OFDM) OFDM:38MHz,Others:26MHz Transmit power 3mW/MHz@2.427-2.47075MHz(FH or FH+DS or FH+OFDM), 10mW/MHz(DS ), 10mW/MHz@2.400-2.427,2.47075-2.4835(FH or FH+DS or FH+OFDM), 10mW/MHz(OFDM under 26MHz band), 5mW/MHz(OFDM over 26MHz band) 10mW(Others)