Chapter 2: Team Skills and Interpersonal Communication Chapter 3: The Basics of Business Messages
Review! Yesterday: Recall Communication in the workplace happens in three spheres. Most complex-we discovered, is the social context. People have differing backgrounds, religions, belief systems Where all of these spheres intersect is where we achieve effective communication Social Context Scholastic Context Business Context
2 Models of Communication 1) Basic model- 1 to one, hierarchical, few mediums
Second Type….Social, Globalized Model 2) Social Model- 1 to many, many to many, egalitarian, many mediums.
Decreased by poor grammar, spelling errors, language barriers, and knowledge/lack of knowledge of terminology Social Model
High and Low Context Cultures High context- emphasis placed on building relationships, and how things are done (harmony) Low context- Doesn’t really matter how things are done, as long as they are done quickly and efficiently. Emphasis is on obtaining information, and completing tasks. This can create friction in the modern globalized world. E.g. buildings in China/Japan E.g. building relationships amongst members of companies in Japan vs. in Canada.
A lot to think about!! For all of these reasons, communication in the workplace needs to be carefully approached and messages well thought out!
Chapter 2: Learning Objectives Advantages and disadvantages of working in teams, and characteristics of effective teams. Collaborative communication Productive team meetings The listening process Nonverbal communication Business etiquette
Tips for Success Xerox Canada “Good listeners will achieve more business success in their careers.” -Tony Martino, Vice President Human Resources, Communication & Corporate Affairs Xerox Canada
Communicating Effectively in Teams
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams In a team of your choosing (More than 2 people) brainstorm some advantages and disadvantages associated with teamwork Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams In a team of your choosing (More than 2 people) brainstorm some advantages and disadvantages associated with teamwork Advantages Information and Knowledge Diversity of views Acceptance of Solutions Performance levels Disadvantages Groupthink Hidden agendas Free riders High costs Quiet people not getting involved
Activity!! Marshmallow Challenge 3-4 group members 20 sticks of spaghetti 1 yard of string 1 yard of tape Marshmallow You need to build the tallest free standing structure that you can using these materials-the marshmallow must be on the top!! -Get your supplies and go!! 40 min
Build a Tower, Build a Team TED talks-Tom Wujek
Characteristics of Effective Teams Clear Purpose Consensus Decision Making Focused Efforts Open Communication Creative Thinking Conflict Resolution What about those introverts? Susan Cain, “The Power of Introverts”.
Collaborating on Communication Efforts
Guidelines for Collaborative Writing Allocate roles Agree on project goals Resolve problems with open, direct process Bond Clarify responsibilities Delegate Establish a clear process Verify tools and techniques Constructive feedback Really, its all about having a clear plan!
Constructive Feedback Destructive Feedback Directed at process and outcomes Directed at people involved Improvement No improvement
Constructive Feedback Sandwich!
Improving Your Listening Skills
Various Types of Listening Content listening Critical listening Empathetic listening Active listening
The Listening Process Receiving Decoding Remembering Responding Initial Message Receiving Decoding Remembering Feedback Responding Evaluating Message
Barriers to Listening Selective listening Prejudgment Selective perception Hearing problems
Effective Listening Listen actively Listen passively Take careful notes Make eye contact Stay focused Paraphrase Listen passively Take no notes Make little eye contact Be easily distracted Fail to paraphrase Effective Ineffective © 2013 Pearson Canada Inc. Business Communication Essentials Chapter 2- 24
Effective Listening (Continued) Provide non-verbal cues Hold questions Overlook stylistic differences Distinguish main points from supporting details Interrupt Be influenced by stylistic differences Be unable to distinguish main points from supporting details Effective Ineffective © 2013 Pearson Canada Inc. Business Communication Essentials Chapter 2- 25
Nonverbal Communication Facial expressions Gestures and posture Vocal characteristics Personal appearance Touch Use of time and space Nonverbal communication-Mark Bowden-8 minutes
Developing Your Business Etiquette
Business Etiquette in the Workplace Receiving telephone calls Answer promptly Identify yourself Establish needs of caller Be positive Take accurate messages Give reasons for your actions Prepared Polite Plain Positive
Business Etiquette in the Workplace Making telephone calls Be prepared Schedule the call Eliminate distractions Introduce yourself Maximize your time Maintain focus Use a positive close mnemonic Prepared Polite Plain Positive
Keep greetings current Business Etiquette in the Workplace Voice mail greetings Be brief and accurate Sound professional Keep callers in mind Make options logical Keep greetings current Respond promptly mnemonic Prepared Polite Plain Positive © 2013 Pearson Canada Inc. Business Communication Essentials Chapter 2- 30
Business Etiquette in the Workplace Voice mail messages Keep it simple Sound professional Avoid personal messages Replay the message Avoid multiple messages mnemonic Prepared Polite Plain Positive © 2013 Pearson Canada Inc. Business Communication Essentials Chapter 2- 31
Business Etiquette in Social Settings Match your appearance and actions to the situation Know the customs of those you meet Introduce yourself and others properly Display dining etiquette Use your mobile phone appropriately Stick to business
Business Etiquette Online Avoid personal attacks Stay focused on original topic Support facts with evidence Follow basic expectations of spelling, punctuation and capitalization Keep virus protection up to date Ask if it is convenient to IM chat
Business Etiquette Online (Cont.) Watch your language Never assume you have privacy Don’t use “reply all” unless it is appropriate Don’t expect instant replies to emails Don’t be sloppy, confusing or incomplete Respect time and space
Real-World Applications Jason never seems to be paying attention during weekly team meetings. He has never contributed to the discussion, and you’ve never seen him take notes. He says he wants to support the team but that he finds it difficult to focus during routine meetings. List some ideas you could give him that might improve his listening skills.
Chapter 3: The Basics of Business Messages Planning a Message Read text chapter 3-discussion tomorrow!!