Title Goes Here First and Last Name | 08.24.17
United Way of the Bluegrass
WHY It Matters. 46,000 kids in Central Kentucky are receiving free and reduced-cost meals. 1/2 students in our region are not ready for kindergarten on the first day of school. 50,000 working families in the Bluegrass are struggling to make ends meet. 2/5 local students are graduating unprepared for college or career.
These issues impact us all… Increased taxes Increased crime rate Decline in student success Decline in career readiness
A struggling family may not look the way you imagine…
BOLD GOAL: 20,000 families will be more self-sufficient by 2020. This is a shared, community goal. Together we can accomplish more. United is the Way.
How can we help families in the Bluegrass?
We unite to tackle the BIG problems
U + ME support 1 BG!
No one’s going to do it for us…
1 BG What does it mean when we achieve the Big Bold Goal? A safer, healthier community Better schools Increased student success Increased career readiness A stronger local economy 1 BG
U Can Help Complete the pledge form Room for more company specific text
www.UWBG.org BIG things can happen when U + ME support 1 BG!