Writing Prompts 9/04/16 – 9/08/16
September 5 September 5th is “National Cheese Pizza Day.” What is your favorite type of pizza? Explain to someone how they would make your favorite type of pizza.
September 6 On September 6, 2000, a popular MP3 web site was fined for copyright violation. Instead of purchasing an MP3, visitors could simply download an MP3 free of charge. Music downloading is a popular activity with both kids and adults. Do you think you should be able to make a music purchase and share it with everyone you want? After learning a little more about copyright laws, what is your opinion?
September 7 September 7, 1927 was the day the first all- electronic television image was transmitted. Philo T. Farnsworth’s invention made it possible to build televisions with no moving parts. What type of an influence do you think television has had on our world? What have been some of the advantages? Have there also been some disadvantages?
September 8 On this day in 1892, the original Pledge of Allegiance was published. This is not the pledge we recite today because it has been revised two times since its original publication. Do you think all classrooms in the United States should be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day? Should students or teachers have the option not to say the pledge? Why or why not?