HERE Seminar Lviv, Ukraine 19-20 October, 2016 The European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) in practice: Implications for HEIs and higher education systems HERE Seminar Lviv, Ukraine 19-20 October, 2016
This seminar Topic of transversal interest Is a commonly requested topic for technical assistance missions (TAM) Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine (2), Palestine, Georgia, Lebanon/Serbia/Armenia (performance indicators), In the context of the Bologna Process, the ESG have been recently revised Need for awarness raising Need to promote implemetation in Bologna countries Need to assess impact in non-Bologna neighborhood countries
Participants Strong institutional representation Vice-rectors/rector: 10 Professors/Deans:18 Students: 6 Ministry: 6 NEO: 14 IRO: 2 QA office: 2
Desired Learning Outcomes Generate awareness for the ESG 2015, what they consist of, how they have been built and endorsed and how they are being implemented in different European countries Discuss and debate in particular the institutional responsibility for QA and the need to build capacity for this Learn about the conditions for building dynamic QA systems that take into account national and regional needs and interests, as well as the changing HE landscape
Pre-Survey Results Scan the knowledge and experience of participants 27 answers Profile 8 NEO 17 Universities/HEI 2 student bodies 18 countries
Are you aware of the revised ESG and what is new about them?
Core features of the ESG? Diversity of systems - 2 Students, stakeholders, society - 2 Student-centred learning - 5 Transparency and mutual understanding – 3 Internal - external QA: University and ministry/agency - 7 Changing the culture of education in universities/quality culture Autonomy Fit for purpose Other terms mentioned: Difference between QA and ranking Compliance
If your external QA system complies with the ESG, what are the difficulties? Involving students in QA systematically - 15 Building capacity of institutions to implement their own QA processes - 14 Developing or creating an independent QA agency - 11 Linking QA to the development of LO based approaches - 10
Are students involved in external quality assurance panels in your country?
Are students involved in institutional quality assurance?
How…. Student satisfaction surveys Participation in working bodies and committees (governance structures) – 3 Participation in evaluation panels – 1
Which of the below issues are important for you to explore? -build institutional quality culture (18), -the involvement of students in QA (15), -the relationship of QA, ranking and other ‘transparent tools’ (14) -international/regional collaboration in QA (13).
SPHERE Contacts Elizabeth Colucci: Nicolas Patrici: General queries:
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