Vocabulary and Quotation Marks Bellwork Week 3 The Giver Vocabulary and Quotation Marks Bellwork Week 3
Monday, January 30 1. luminous- adj.- glowing or emitting light 2. chute- noun- a slope or shaft to drop things down 3. rueful- adj.- regretful or remorseful 4. stealthily- adv.- trying to avoid being noticed; furtively 5. chastise- verb- to reprimand or discipline
Bring colored pencils to class! Tuesday, January 31 6. meager- adj.- unsatisfactorily small or of bad quality 7. yearned- verb- to long for or desire 8. treacherously- adv.- to behave deceitfully or like a traitor 9. burden- noun- a worrying responsibility; problem 10. Punctuation Rule: Use commas to introduce or interrupt direct quotations.
Wednesday, February 1 Directions: Write out the sets of synonyms and match with vocabulary words. 1. bright, shining, incandescent 2. unfaithfully, dangerously, deceitfully 3. load, problem, responsibility
Thursday, February 2 Write out the sentences and complete with your own thoughts. 1. I might stealthily ____________________to avoid detection. 2. ___________________ is a burden in my life because ___________________ 3. The dessert I consistently yearn for is ____________________
Friday, February 3 Write your own three sentence dialogue exchange. Use at least one vocabulary word and punctuate appropriately! Here is an example, but make up your own: He said, "I don't care." "Why," I asked, "don't you care?" "I don't know," was his meager reply. "Stop evading my questions," I chastised.