Form 5 Geography IGCSE mock exams: January 2016 Paper One – 1 hour and 45 minutes, 75 marks Contains six structured questions (data response and information recall) – you answer THREE Questions cover all topics: population, migration, settlement, urbanisation, weather and climate, tropical rainforest and hot desert biomes, tourism, economic activities (industries and agriculture), weathering, river basins (physical processes, landforms and flood management) , coasts (physical processes, landforms and erosion management), tectonic hazards; Each question in this paper ends with a 7 mark case study question. Paper Two – 1 hour and 30 minutes, 60 marks Contains 4-6 structured questions (data response and information recall) – answer ALL of them The first question is the map skills question, using a colour map extract provided and answering questions using grid references (locations), contours lines (land height and relief), symbols (land use patterns), compass point directions and bearings, scale and distances. The remaining questions cover the full syllabus and require you respond to information show in the form of: maps, photographs, tables, graphs, diagrams, text etc.