Instructor: Mary Middleton Winter 2018 Teacher Mathematician Advocate Wife Traveler Foodie
About Me
SIX WORD MEMOIRS Your turn! Say it in six.
Class Materials: Paper Graph Paper Three-ring binder Pencils/Erasers Calculator Textbook
Tutoring and Help
Attendance: Missing something? Please let me know if you need to miss class for ANY reason. Talk to your classmates, get notes, do your best to keep up. Remember, in-class work (quiz or group activity) cannot be made up.
Class Rules: Attendance
Class Rules: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Class Rules: Responsibility
Class Rules: Attention
Homework Do your homework ahead of time. Do take a look at the Late HW Policy. Don’t do this….. HW is due promptly at the beginning of class.
Assessment & Grading Assessment will be a combination of participation, test/quizzes, projects, presentations, and assignments. *see syllabus for more details Grades calculated using a TOTAL POINTS system.
First day of class assignment: Write your full name on an index card. Write your personal academic goal for yourself here at RCC. Write down the last math class you took and the grade you achieved. Write the first feeling that comes to mind when you think about mathematics. Say it in 6: Who are you?