AP Seminar – Spring Semester
Welcome Back I hope you had a very enjoyable, peaceful winter break... … and that you are now ready to work hard this semester.
Digital Portfolio Enroll in my class ASAP. You can call College Board from my room before or after school, if needed.
Mock IWA is due in 2 weeks! Due January 17. It will be the first test grade for this semester. You must upload it through Turnitin.com, NOT through digital portfolio. You will receive feedback on this assignment.
My Role as Facilitator Remember that I cannot give you direct feedback on any of the main performance tasks that comprise your AP Seminar score at the end of the year
CAN (1) must ensure students are aware of the task, time, components, and scoring criteria for each performance task; (2) may explore issues, talk about stimulus materials, discuss topics and perspectives, and/or question students as necessary; (3) may create opportunities for peer review and editing; (4) should refer students to the rubrics for each component; and (5) may engage in whole-class teaching or reteaching if needed.
CAN NOT (1) assign, provide, distribute, or generate research questions/project goals or articles for students; (2) conduct research for students; (3) write, revise, amend, or correct student work; (4) reveal exact questions students will be asked prior to their presentations or oral defenses; or (5) provide unsolicited help to students.
Review AP Seminar Performance Tasks IRR TMP Task 2 - 30 workdays guaranteed IWA IMP AP Seminar Exam
Grades on Performance Tasks Unfortunately, because of the rule concerning teacher feedback, I cannot enter grades on any of these performance tasks until May 1.
After the AP Exams I would like to study the novel Brave New World and the movie A.I. I've also considered using that time to put you through a "grammar boot-camp." I'm not sure exactly what we'll do, but we will definitely be doing something.