Chapter 10 Minitab Recipe Card Random numbers and random number selection
For a random sample of 10 from the 68 companies in Example 10 For a random sample of 10 from the 68 companies in Example 10.1 choose Make Patterned Data from the Calc menu then Simple Set of Numbers from the sub-menu.
In the command window type C1 beside Store patterned data in, type 1 beside From first value and 68 beside To last value then click OK.
The patterned data appears in C1. Choose Random Data from the Calc menu, then Sample from Columns from the sub-menu.
In the command window type in 10 as the Number of rows to be sampled, C1 below From columns and C2 below Store samples in. Click OK.
The column of numbers in C2 is a random selection of 10 from the 68 in C1.