Bell Work Prefixes
Monday, October 2 1. inter- among or between EX: interconnect 2. post- after, last EX: postdate 3. sub- under EX: subcontractor 4. super-above and beyond EX: superpower 5. trans- across EX: transplant 6. mono- one EX: monotony 7. hyper- too much EX: hyperactive 8. multi- many, much EX: multitalented 9. micro- small, short EX: microscope 10. dis- opposite of, not EX: disapprove
Tuesday, October 3 Give two examples of words for each prefix. 1. Inter A. B. 2. Post 3. Micro Put a clean sheet of paper into the notes section of your notebook. book-three
Allusion: This was at Five Guys- What does it mean?
Wednesday, October5 Write 2 words using the prefixes provided. Trans 2. Mono 3. Dis
Thursday, October 6 Break the following words apart and give the meanings of the word parts. 1. transportation 2. hypersensitive 3. multicultural 4. disproportionate 5. microorganism
Friday, October 7 Use synonyms for the highlighted words. Alice, an older lady, was transporting her hyperactive son to school. He had been in some trouble because he was insubordinate to his teacher. It seems he has a superiority complex and does not like authority. This has caused some discipline issues and now his mother is monotonously lecturing him. He is planning to straighten out his behavior just to avoid another speech like this.