Estimating Steelhead Abundance in a High Sediment Stream: Bridge Creek, Oregon Ian Tattam Nick Bouwes Chris Jordan Michael Pollock.


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Presentation transcript:

Estimating Steelhead Abundance in a High Sediment Stream: Bridge Creek, Oregon Ian Tattam Nick Bouwes Chris Jordan Michael Pollock

Outline 1) Why trap steelhead in Bridge Creek? 2) 2009 Methods 3) 2009 Escapement Estimate 4) Spawner Distribution

Large Lower Mainstem John Day tributary Why Bridge Creek? Large Lower Mainstem John Day tributary Suspected presence of hatchery adults Tributary-scale restoration efforts Point out locations of Murderers and Bridge creeks, again note paired watershed design.

Where’s the redd? Good example of channel incision prevalent on the public lands downstream of Mitchell. Briefly mention the restoration plan.

1) 2009 Methods Upstream/Downstream Adult Trap Mark-recapture estimate Proportion of hatchery strays? Operated 4/5/2009 to 5/28/2009 PIT tag (cheek) Caudal punch


Fish Fish Current

There really are steelhead in that muddy water! April adult female entering Bridge Creek.

3) 2009 Escapement Estimate Captures: Upstream: 126 Downstream: 84 Downstream Recaptures: 23 Population Estimate: 449 (344 to 625) Capture efficiency Upstream: 28% Downstream: 19%

3) 2009 Escapement Estimate CV: 15.3% for combined wild and hatchery estimate Population size underestimated - late trap install 19% hatchery - likely an underestimate

Adult Length by Origin “A” “B” Note presence of Group-B Hatchery strays, in addition to Group A strays. (Group B fish are to the right of the line, if separated by length).

Pic of one of the ad-clipped hatchery B run fish captured in Bridge Pic of one of the ad-clipped hatchery B run fish captured in Bridge. Holding tub is 32” long, fish spans it and then some.

4) Spawner Distribution

RKM 12 RKM 26 PIT Detection Sites

Detection of Upstream Migrating Adult Steelhead Wild: 57% Hatchery: 19% Wild: 17% Hatchery: 0% Detection of Upstream Migrating Adult Steelhead

Conclusions Steelhead are entering and spawning in Bridge Creek over a 3+ month period Downstream trap box and seining combined resulted in sufficient recaptures Flexible pickets allowed operation in high stream flows / velocities

Conclusions Hatchery adults appear to spawn lower in the creek than wild adults Low reproductive success for steelhead spawning in RKM 1-9 Are hatchery adults self-regulating?

Acknowledgements Permitting: Jeff Neal and Chris James Construction: Steve Corwin, Mike Jensen, Kelly Stokes, Lonnie Goin, Kirt Cook, Glen Moodenbaugh Installation: Chris James and Nick Weber Handling/Tagging: Dan Rawding Trap Operation: Bryn Fleming