Classification Systems 5 Kingdom System Versus 3 Domain System
Taxonomy This branch of biology devoted to naming and grouping organisms. It uses both evolutionary evidence and physical characteristics. There have been many systems of classification, as far back as Aristotle.
Linnaeus’s System Hierarchical Based on morphology It was devised to create organization of the multiple previous systems of classification. It originally only had 2 kingdoms; plant and animal.
Levels of Classification Kingdom (broadest group) Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species (most restrictive group)
Binomial Nomenclature Based on Linnaeus’s system - the genus and species together give us the species name, or scientific name. By convention, genus is always capitalized and species is always lower case. Both names should be underlined OR italicized. Example: Lion – Panthera leo. Use of Latin words allows scientists all over the world to use the same identifier as opposed to common names.
Modern Classification Systems There are 2 modern classification systems; both based on Linnaeus’s original system. The two systems are: 6 Kingdom System 3 Domain System
Kingdom v. Domains Based on morphology and evolutionary history Originally is was a 5 Kingdom system, but scientists split bacteria into 2 different kingdoms to create the 3 Domains using advancements in DNA technology as their only criteria.