Concept English Meeting Winter 2014 St. Louis
Processing the Day Concept English Rigor in the teaching of thinking skills Scaffolding – solve a problem in 3 ways, categorize, evaluate Metacognition and process lead to application 3 or 4 conceptual takeaways (enduring understanding)
Fall Review 2013 English Curriculum 10 ELA team members created or adapted units for 2014/2015 (6 more since Coordinators Meeting) 53% of teachers adapting our Atlas Units 139 email questions/requests for help regarding curriculum (125 teachers,8 coordinators, 4 directors, 2 coaches) 37 telephone conversations/Webinar - additional resources I can statements - 73% of lessons/units reviewed 11 schools - Scope and Sequence/Writing alignment documents (3 more since Coordinators Meeting) 39 email compliments, 4 complaints
English Documents ELA Scope and Sequence
English Documents ELA Writing Assessment Alignment
English Materials ELA Writing
Fall Review 2013 Teacher Evaluations 101 evaluations 88 post evaluation meetings 2 rejected/revised evaluations Average rating:4.30 Lowest score: 3.55 Trends: New teachers are strong Management in year 2 teachers improving I cans helping focus content instruction Strategies more strongly linked to instruction
I Can Report Atlas
I can write routinely over shorter time frames 27 teachers used I cans 3 teachers assessed I cans
I Cans and Assessments Sample targeted I cans vs measured I cans I can write routinely over shorter periods of time. 27 teachers in K-5 have indicated this is what they have taught 3 teachers in K-5 have indicated that this has been measured I can answer questions about what I read. 366 teachers in K-5 have indicated this is what they have taught 199 teachers in K-5 have indicated that this has been measured
I Cans and Assessment continued I can explain which parts of a text I understand and which parts I don’t. [RL.1.10] [ Targeted Standards:15 Assessments:5 ] I can think about questions I have about a text and ask for help in order to understand parts of a text that are too difficult for me. [RL.1.10] [ Targeted Standards:10 Assessments:2 ] Top 5 Schools Interim 1-2– Belmont (24%), Columbus (22%), Lorain (20%), Noble Cleveland (20%)
Fall Review Assessments Interim 1 & 2 18 schools show gains between Interim 1 and 2 (scores include Extended Response with Different weights)
Fall Review Extended responses averages by school - when you look at writing 2 of our high schools went down between 1 and 2 and 3 went up
Fall Trends Inclusion of I cans… Interim 1 and 2 2012/2013 (2-14) Schools with the most gains Focus on collaboration, professional dialogues Focus on deeper inquiry into Common Core Standards Focus on process and product – metacognition Focus on writing instruction – explaining learning
Fall Review 2013 Programs Spelling Bee – December 7, 2014
320 Entries
May 3, 2014
Preview 2014 Curriculum/Resources Resource review/decision on additional or new textbooks by April 1, 2014 – New list May 31, 2014 Continued focus on writing instruction for 2014/2015 Continued focus on teacher adapted units using balanced literacy and gradual release models Teaching and Learning Writing – Admin Handout Disciplinary Literacy Template all subjects
On-line resources
Preview 2014 Special Events Writing Competition – “Rally for Writing” Prompts sent out December 15th and submissions due February 25th Spoken Word Competition – “Words on Fire” Prompts published March 1st Submissions tentatively due March 21st Event May 3rd – Columbus Museum of Art
Requests From Concept English Please submit requests for new resources to Andy by March 15th – request a resource rubric at Encourage regular meetings/professional dialogues and ask teachers to complete scope/sequences as well as writing alignment Hold monthly department meetings with agendas, and submit meeting notes with action steps to