Classification of Living Things
What is classification? Classification is the grouping of living organisms according to similar structures and functions.
Early classification systems Aristotle grouped animals according to the way they moved
The modern classification system : Developed by Carolus Linnaeus Consists of 7 levels: Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Helpful way to remember the 7 levels King Philip Came Over For Grape Soda. King Philip Came Over For Green Skittles.
Binomial Nomenclature Developed by Carolus Linnaeus Two-name system: First name is the organism’s genus Second name is the organism’s species
Species The smallest group of organisms classified which can interbreed with each other to produce fertile offspring
Six Kingdom System Bacteria Archea Protists Fungi Animals Plants
Bacteria Unicellular, microscopic No nucleus Prokaryotic
Archea Unicellular, microscopic No nucleus Prokaryotic Live in extreme environments
Protists Unicellular; microscopic Nucleus present Eukaryotic Autotrophic or heterotrophic
Fungi Nucleus Eat dead and decaying material Eukaryotic Eat dead and decaying material Reproduce by forming spores
Animals Nucleus Eukaryotic Divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of backbone: Invertebrates : without backbone Vertebrates : with backbone
Vertebrates Divided into 5 groups: Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals
Fish Aquatic Cold-blooded Body covered with wet and slimy scales Streamline body for easy movement through water Fins for balance and to control movement Gills for breathing External fertilization
Amphibians Cold-blooded Moist, scaleless skin Limbs present tetrapods Larvae (tadpoles) use gills for breathing; adults use lungs External fertilization
Reptiles Cold-blooded Body covered with dry, hard scales Live on land Breathe with lungs Internal fertilization; lay shelled eggs
Birds Warm-blooded With feathers With wings Beak for feeding Lungs for breathing Internal fertilization; lay shelled eggs
Mammals Warm-blooded Hairs on skin Females have mammary glands for producing milk Lungs for breathing Diaphragm present Internal fertilization; embryos develop inside mothers’ bodies
Plants Nucleus Plants use photosynthesis to produce food from sunlight Eukaryotic Plants use photosynthesis to produce food from sunlight Can be divided into two groups: Non-flowering plants Flowering plants