Reminders Communication: on ParentVUE you now have the option to go in and update your email address that you would like communication to come through. Make sure you grab all class supply lists. Visit at least ONE core class presentation. IMPORTANT BUS INFO– log onto Kyrene’s website – go to the Parents Tab – then busses to find the most updated bus information for your child’s bus schedule
Welcome to Meet your teacher/curriculum night Math 7/ Compacted 7b - 8 Nicole Mathot (480) 541-5923 Emails & phone calls returned within 24 hours
About Mrs. Mathot Arizona Native – born in Mesa and grew up in Chandler Kyrene Kid Brisas, Aprende & Corona del Sol Northern Arizona University Graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education Emphasis in Mathematics Grand Canyon University Obtaining my Masters in Educational Administration Began teaching career in Kyrene 7th Year teaching 1st Grade 4th Grade 2nd year here at Akimel A-al
Final Grade consists of the following breakdown: Assessments (Quizzes) = 80% Homework Practice (Daily) = 10% Classwork Practice (Mathia) = 10%
homework In order to get full credit for homework, a student must: Complete in pencil & turned in on time Show all work (!!!) Solve all problems A student will be asked to come in during lunch, if missing three or more homework assignments (until all assignments are in). If your child is absent, please have them work through entire lesson they missed – not just the homework pages! Daily Homework = 10% of a student’s total grade
MATHia® Software Research-based software companion to the textbook. Used one day per week in math class. Students work through interactive math lessons customized specifically for their individual needs Students are highly encouraged to spend time at home on Mathia – recommended minimum 2 hours per week outside of class Classwork (Mathia ®, Math Notes, Projects) = 10% of a student’s total grade
Quizzes Quizzes (100 points) End of each topic Quiz grading – quick turn around (usually 1 day) Students – iPods/Phones for music once done with quiz Quiz Corrections/Retests: Less than 80% = must do RETEST (parents emailed every time) Quiz corrections required before retest (ticket into retest) Have several days to complete quiz corrections (will be notified in advance what day the retest will be) Assessments = 80% of a student’s grade
Calculators How does regular calculator use in math class benefit students? When students do not have to worry about computation mistakes, they focus on reasoning and problem solving. Rather than hampering mathematical ability, calculator use actually improves student achievement in mathematics. The research shows that calculator use improves the paper and pencil skills of middle school students regardless of their ability levels. Those who use calculators regularly in math class have better attitudes toward mathematics than students who do not use them.
Supplies for math – every day Inexpensive STURDY calculator (not cell phone!) Headphones to keep in backpack for MATHia days STURDY BLUE plastic folder with holes BLUE Composition notebook Sharpened pencils & erasers (BUY LOTS!) Pen (any color)
Math 7/ CompactED 7b-8 Math 7 will focus on these concepts this year: Students will work throughout the year to demonstrate their knowledge and skill through cooperative-based learning, collaborative problem solving, and individual assessments. Math 7 will focus on these concepts this year: Thinking Proportionally Operating with Signed Numbers Reasoning Algebraically Analyzing Populations & Probabilities Constructing & Measuring Compacted 7b-8 will focus on these concepts this year: Rational Number Operations Reasoning Algebraically Constructing & Measuring Analyzing Populations & Probabilities Transforming Geometric Objects Developing Function Foundations Modeling Linear Equations Expanding the Number System Applying Powers
Great resources My personal page off of Akimel A-al’s website: Classrooms Nicole Mathot – brings you right to my site with great information and the weekly homework agenda, plus other tools ParentVUE has ALL math assignments and grades in one place!
Class Donations Kleenex Candy for math raffles (small individually wrapped, Tootsie Rolls, Jolly Ranchers, etc.) Hand Sanitizer & Clorox wipes are a huge need Crayons Markers Colored Pencils
In closing… Thank you for attending! Looking forward to working together to create a successful year for your child!
2018-2019 Yearbooks- Don’t wait! $35 Meet the Teacher Special: Order a Yearbook and receive extra signing pages for free! You can use a credit card: Order at Enter order number: 6161 WE SOLD OUT LAST YEAR!!! $35 Or cash/check Order forms available in the MPR