Afternoon Session in C120: NHS Tutoring in MHS Library: Honors Precalculus Ms. Meghan Coyne Room C120 Grading Policy: Grades will be available on SchoolBrains or afterschool. Your final grade will be a simple average of the four quarter grades. . Tests/Projects—40% Each quarter there will be 3-4 major assessments of materials, with at least one project-based assessment. Each test/project is worth 100 points. . Quizzes—30% Each quiz will be worth 30-50 points. Additionally, students will be given occasional Homework Quizzes, where 2-4 problems from the week will be selected to work through. . Homework—20% Homework will be assigned on MOST nights and unless otherwise noted, will due the NEXT class meeting. Homework is not accepted late. Homework will be graded based on effort, completeness, and precision. . Class Participation—10% Daily participation grades will be given based on the scope of the classroom activity that day. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Self-motivated Work independently and cooperatively Read and write technical mathematics Persistent practice of concepts Consistent effort and participation Respectful of classmates, teacher, and classroom Asks for help when needed SUPPLY LIST 3-ring binder w/ dividers (sections: notes, classwork, homework) Filler paper OR 3-subject notebook (sections notes, classwork, homework) 1 package of pencils TI 84 Plus or higher graphing calculator or combination of scientific and online graphing calculator for home-use Textbook: Precalculus; Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic (Sixth Edition) Extra Help/Make-Up Students have two weeks to make up any work from an absence before it becomes a zero per the MHS handbook. Please use the homework calendar to stay updated on assignments. Afternoon Session in C120: Monday and Thursday from 2:20-3:30 (see posted calendar for more available dates) NHS Tutoring in MHS Library: Monday through Thursday –schedule TBD EXTRAS Websites Full Text PDF (8th Edition—watch the page numbers!)