Ocean Layers
Thermocline & halocline Thermocline is a vertical line that represents temperature versus ocean depth Halocline is a vertical line that represents salinity levels versus ocean depth Pycnocline is a vertical line that represents density levels versus ocean depth Draw 3 different layers of the ocean and label them. Mixed Layer Thermocline Deep Layer
Thermocline Factors that affect a thermocline: Seasons Latitude
Halocline Factors that affect a halocline: Evaporation Precipitation
pycnocline Factors that affect a pycnocline: Temperature Salinity
Temperature is often the dominant factor over salinity in determining ocean layers.
Ocean motion
Ice cube lab Freshwater Cup As the ice cube melts, the cold melt water from the ice cube sinks to the bottom of the cup forcing the water from the bottom of the cup to move toward the surface which transfers its heat to the ice cube, causing it to melt faster.
Ice cube lab Salt Water Cup Meanwhile in the saltwater, the cold freshwater from the ice cube floats on top of the saltwater. Thus the ice cube sits in a pool of cold water, blocking the heat from the saltwater from getting to the ice cube. Salt Water Cup
Ice cube lab Why is this important: It demonstrates the layers of the ocean. It demonstrates deep water ocean circulation with convection currents
Deep water currents Cold dense currents at the bottom of the ocean that move as a result of density differences.
Surface water currents Currents that move near the surface of the ocean driven by the wind. Controlled by: Air currents Coriolis Location of continents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbGDNpRTKxg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkfAnQtIUCw
waves Most ocean waves are caused by winds. A wave is the transfer of energy through matter. Ocean waves transfer kinetic energy from wind to water. The energy of a wave may travel for thousands of miles. However, the water itself moves very little. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWekVzsBcXE
tides Tides are changes in the rise and fall of sea level caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun. They occur all around the globe. High tides occur when the water reaches its highest level. Low tides occur when the water reaches its lowest level.
Tsunamis Giant seismic waves causes by underwater earthquakes.
upwelling Upwelling is when deep ocean water rises to the surface. Strong winds blow surface water away from shore allowing deep water to rise up bringing nutrients with it and feeding the fish in the surface layers.