WHO 2015 GUIDELINES AND FAST TRACKING TOWARDS 90-90-90: Regional perspective Photo Credit: Lucy Perry/Hamlin F.Relief and Aid Fund Australia ICASA 2017 Abidjan 4-9 December 2017 CDS | Regional Office Brazzaville (Congo) www.afro.who.int/
African Region HIV Epi data An estimated 25.6 million people were living with HIV in 2016. An estimated 14.9 million people were on antiretroviral therapy in mid-2017. An estimated 1 200 000 people became newly infected with HIV in 2016 720 000 deaths were attributed to HIV-related causes in 2016 01/12/2018 | Title of the presentation
Targets HIV-related deaths reduced to below 287,000 from a 2014 baseline of 790,000; 90% of people diagnosed with HIV receive antiretroviral therapy New HIV infections reduced to 420 000 from the 2014 baseline of 1,400,000 90% of people living with HIV and key populations report no discrimination in the health sector. All countries have integrated essential HIV/AIDS services into national health financing arrangements. 19 -22 S. 2017 |
ADOPTING A TREAT ALL APPROACH- ESA Source: World Health Organization, 2017. 19 -22 S. 2017
ADOPTING A TREAT ALL APPROACH- WCA Source: World Health Organization, 2017. 19 -22 S. 2017
TOWARDS THE 90–90–90 TARGETS - ESA Source: UNAIDS special analysis, 2017 19 -22 S. 2017
TOWARDS THE 90–90–90 TARGETS -WCA Source: UNAIDS special analysis, 2017 19 -22 S. 2017
IN ESA - RESOURCE AVAILABILITY IS NEAR FAST-TRACK LEVELS HIV resource availability by source, 2006–2016, and projected resource needs by 2020, eastern and southern Africa* 19 -22 S. 2017
BIG FINANCING GAP IN WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA HIV resource availability by source, 2006–2016, and projected resource needs by 2020, western and central Africa* UNAIDS 19 -22 S. 2017
Implications for Africa Almost 26 million in Africa are now eligible for antiretroviral medicines. Programmatic implications Integrated delivery of HIV service across all programmes Institutionalising appropriate community based service delivery models Health systems implications Design stronger procurement and supply management systems More efficient patient monitoring will be needed, Laboratory capacity for viral load testing will have to be strengthened Innovative use of human resources Significant financial implications
What countries need to do Provide the required leadership for the national HIV/AIDS response Continue the dialogue necessary to ensure that national standards of HIV prevention and treatment are keeping pace with important scientific developments. Initiate discussions on financing the HIV response with a view to increase domestic resources and international support Address social and legal barriers that may be impeding progress. Review national HIV/AIDS strategic and operational plans
CONCLUSION Significant progress towards the targets of the regional HIV/AIDS framework Progress is not even as the WCA region is being left behind: critical to emphasize the WCA Catch up plan to triple the ART coverage by 2020, New HIV infections are not declining as fast as needed especially among adults. HIV Prevention among children, adolescents, young women should be given preeminence among Need for increased/sustained leadership, accountability and real time monitoring Strategies hinged on human rights principles are required to fast-track the response towards ending the AIDS epidemic 19 -22 S. 2017
Thank you. Cité du Djoué, P.O.Box 06 www.afro.who.int/ Photo Credit: USAID in Africa WHO Regional Office for Africa Cité du Djoué, P.O.Box 06 Brazzaville Republic of Congo CDS | Regional Office Brazzaville (Congo) www.afro.who.int/