Position on Building a Skate Park in Manhattan Beach
Residents are divided in their view of building a skateboard park; intensity of opposition outweighs intensity of support As you may know, the City has been considering building a skateboard park in Manhattan Beach. Generally speaking, do you favor or oppose building a skateboard park in Manhattan Beach? Total Favor 43% Total Oppose 45% Depends/DK/NA 12% Q21. Split Sample
Support outweighs opposition by 2-to-1 when respondents hear it will not require City tax dollars As you may know, the City has been considering building a skateboard park in Manhattan Beach. Generally speaking, would you favor or oppose building a skateboard park in Manhattan Beach if no City tax dollars were used to build it? Total Favor 62% Total Oppose 29% Depends/DK/NA 9% Q22. Split Sample
Support declines as the size of the skate park increases Total Fav. Total Opp. 50% 43% 46% 53% 41% 47% 40% 51% 44% 32% 59% 28% 64% 37% 54% Dedicating a small area in an existing public space that would include skateboarding features and accommodate a few skateboarders at a time Building a 3,000 to 5,000 square foot skateboarding area located in a larger public area that would accommodate 10 to 12 skateboarders at one time Building a 12,000 square foot skate park that would accommodate a few dozen skateboarders at a time Q23. I am going to read you three different proposals for a skateboarding facility in Manhattan Beach. Please tell me if it is something you would favor or oppose. Split Sample