03.15.06 week 9 text
assignments Final proposal due March 22 Journal entries (wk5-wk9) due March 29 Resource Center contributions
inquiry and design project text Schedule week 5 draft proposal due feb 8 week 10 final proposal due mar 22 weeks 10-13 “conduct” inquiry week 15 present project and turn in report, apr 26
final proposal text Due Mar 22, submit to the Wiki. Each of you will have a personal space (I need help here). I will try to have Wiki correspondence with you about your proposal. Please follow the proposal feedback and guidelines carefully
the weeks ahead text Week 10 & 11 Independent Work Week 12 Television News, Adela Uchida, WILX News Anchor Week 13 Film Critique, Susan Woods, East Lansing Film Festival Director Week 14 From Notes to Music, Nat Chaikan, MSU Cello Professor Week 15 & 16 Student Presentations
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