Eschatology The Millennium Part 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Eschatology The Millennium Part 2

Christ will rule the world with complete authority (Psa Christ will rule the world with complete authority (Psa. 2:8-12) Three times the book of Revelation utilizes the rod of iron in reference to the reign of Christ. (2:27; 12:5; 19:15) The right of Christ’s rule is clearly established in the Old Testament (Jer. 23:1-8; Gen. 49:10; Isa. 2:1-4; 9:6,7; 11:1-10; 16:5; 24:23; 32:2; 40:1-11; 42:3,4; 52:7-15; 55:4; Dan. 2:44; 7:27; Mic. 4:1-8; 5:2-5; Zec. 9:9; 14:16-17). The New Testament emphasizes this even more (Rom. 15:12; Rev. 1:5; 5:9,10; 11:15; 20:6)

The millennial reign of Christ is the fulfillment of God’s promise to David and to the nation of Israel. (Jer. 33:19-22; Acts 15:13-18; Psa. 89:20-37) This promise is part of the explanation to Mary in reference to the miraculous virgin birth of Christ. (Luke 1:32,33) A wonderful part of the reign of Christ will be the co-regency of the church and the Tribulation saints. Specifically the apostles will rule over the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28). The degree of rulership for the church is dependent upon the faithfulness of each person. (2 Tim. 2:12; Rev. 3:21; 5:10; 1 Cor. 6:2)

The Millennium will also be a time of change for the nation of Israel The Millennium will also be a time of change for the nation of Israel. These ancient people represent the oldest continuing ethnicity in human history. The history of God’s earthly people begun 4,000 years ago has been checkered with more defeat and dispersal than successful occupation of the land promised to Abraham. The problem for those who refuse to interpret Scripture literally lies in the ownership of the real estate.

God gave Palestine to Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 12:7) God gave Palestine to Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 12:7). Throughout the Old Testament, God reiterated that promise with caveat that the possession would be forever (Gene. 13:15; Exo. 32:13; 1 Chr. 28:8; 2 Chr. 20:7; Psa. 37:29; Isa. 60:21; Jer. 7:7; 25:5; Eze. 37:25; Mic. 4:7). In the Millennium, these promises will reach their fruition. (Amos 9:15; Eze. 34:28; 36:11,12; Isa. 60:15,16) The seat of government during the Millennium will be city of Jerusalem. (Isa. 2:1-5)

Zec. 12:10-113; Isa. 66:8; Jer. 31:31-37; Eze. 36:24-20; 37:1-14; Rom

The Millennium will be spiritually different The Millennium will be spiritually different. A pervasive righteousness will characterize every aspect of human existence. This stands to reason since initially every person on earth will be saved. Justified people understand and appreciate the value and importance of godliness. Further, Christ Himself will be ruling in the earth. He will do so with justice and equity. (Isa. 11:1-5; 32:1) Sin will not be tolerated (Isa. 11:4; 66:20) The knowledge of truth will be universal. (Isa. 11:9)

In this godly environment, worship will characterize the population In this godly environment, worship will characterize the population. There will be a millennial temple (described in great detail in Ezekiel chapters 40-48). Sacrifices will be offered and spiritual holidays will be observed (Micah 4:1,2; Zechariah 8:20-23; 14:16-19). “Premillennialists understand these sacrifices as a means of memorializing the death of Christ.” (Ryrie, Basic Theology, 595.)

In the Millennium will be the course of nature will change In the Millennium will be the course of nature will change. Under the curse there are many negative impacts upon the course of nature. The nature of wild animals in the current dispensation is fang and claw. Obviously that was not the case when Adam and Eve interacted with the animal world in the Garden of Eden. We do not really know the nature of the animal world. We know that Eve had a conversation with a serpent and was surprised. In the Millennium the animal world will return to a vegetarian state without posing any danger to anyone. (Isa. 11:6-9; Eze. 34:25; Isa. 65:25)

Obviously there will also be climatic changes which will improve the productivity of the land.  (Isa. 35:1-7; 41:17-20; 55:12,13; Ammos 9:13-15) In a world that knows no peace, the prospect of peace is always desirable. Only in the presence of the Prince of Peace, under His sovereign reign can war at last be banished. The Millennium will be a time of true peace. (Isa. 2:2-4; Zec. 9:9,10; Isa. 65:21-23; Mic. 4:3)

Another issue will be good health and longevity Another issue will be good health and longevity. Many of the physical impairments that have resulted from the curse will be lifted during the Millennium. The result will be longer lives. (Isa. 35:5,6 ; 65:19,20)

The Conclusion The millennial kingdom does have specific limitation, 1,000 years. There is a reason for this limitation. Not only does the 1,000 year duration complete number of God’s pattern of sevens (6,000 + 1,000), it also represents a probationary period to puts to rest forever any thought of inherent goodness in man. Satan is rendered completely inoperative on the earth throughout the Millennium. (Rev. 20:1-3)

It must be remembered that while there a resurrected saints from both Testamental periods on the earth, there are also numerous people born into the natural state of man during the Millennium. At the end of the Millennium, Satan will again be permitted access to fallen men. (Rev. 20:7-10 ) If men can be deceived after having the rulership of Christ for 1,000 years with truth dispersed throughout the world, with sin held at abeyance, how truly fallen must the old nature be.