Pre-Columbian Civilization Aztec and Inca Pre-Columbian Civilization
Political Structure Aztecs Incas Large Empire organized from a central city Monarchy with a board of nobles and priests that advise and help lead Incas Monarchy with nobles posted throughout the empire
Method of Expanding Empire Aztec Fierce conquest and alliances Empire of 30 million people Inca Roads connected and led to future conquered people
Treatment of Conquered People Aztec Tributes: payment from the conquered people Sacrifice Inca Subjugated them and then made them a part of the empire through military service and reward
Role of Religion Aztec Inca Polytheistic Animistic Human Sacrifice gods were above the King and ruled the empire’s daily life Inca Animism
Social Organization Aztec Inca Organized and structured by a class system Inca Organized similarly to the Aztecs Each village was organized according to rank Arranged marriages
Type of Economy Aztec Inca Market: buying and selling controlled by the people Inca Command: buying and selling controlled by the government
Style of Public Buildings Aztec Grand and complex Religious symbols Inca Practical and built into the mountains on terraces Religious significance
Cities Planned/Randomly Built Aztec Planned and artistically designed Complex and well organized Floating gardens Inca Organized and simple Built into the mountains Connected by the road system
Cause and Effect 1 – Able to learn the trade and able to learn about their enemy 2 – Unity builds strength, numbers builds strength 3 – please the gods, to demonstrate the importance of the religion in daily life 4- Increased usable land, increased food production
Cause and Effect 5 – please the gods, show their strength, lessen the population 6 – time, crops and harvesting, tracking weather occurrences 7 – Test of Aztec strength, empire too large 8 – Corruption, too much influence, control issues
Building an Incan Empire Ancient Cultures Common heritage Lessons from ancestors Technological advances Royal Mummies Royal significance Heritage Afterlife
Building an Incan Empire Pachacuti Founder of the Incan Empire Created the Empire by conqueroring the surrounding tribes and folding them into his kingdom Centralized government
Building an Incan Empire System of Government – ruling uniform, structure, defense Language – unity, communication, record keeping Cities – unity, structure, protection Road System – unity, communication, easier movement Economy – unity, structure, functionality Religion – unity, structure, beliefs, reasons