The Industrial Revolution
It begins in England and then it spreads in all Europe The industrial revolution is the period of time during which work began to be done more by machines in factories than by hand at home It begins in England and then it spreads in all Europe
The reasons of the revolution: Agricultural revolution. After the feudalism, the owners became entreprenours England was rich of fossil carbon and iron used to feed the machines There is the passage from the absolutism to constitutional government England lives of wealth and prosperity thanks to the colonies that produced the english products
Consequences The farmers moved to towns and they lived in back-to-back houses where there was no sanitation and running water. These conditions took the spreads of deseases such as cholera
Exploitation of children and women The children were useful because they could be paid the least and they were small enough to fix machines. Women were underpaid compered to men and in case of death they were replaced by others to fill the needs of the productive machines They worked from 12 hours to 16 hours a day
The alienation was caused by the division of labour because during the industrial revolution, in the factories, the machines did all the hard work while men did only mechanical and simple activities. Due to this condition the farmers were alienated because they were specialized always on the same task. Because of this, in this period there is the phenomenon of «Ludism» where the workers distroyed all the machines as a sign of protest against the exploitation.
Adam Smith He shifts the focus of economics toward the production of goods and services. The key of the growth of the wealth is the division of labour bacause the workers are willing to specialize on order to gain more money.
Anna Bibiano Sarah Ayadi Chiara Manzi Mariapia Curci Michela Lecce Created by: Anna Bibiano Sarah Ayadi Chiara Manzi Mariapia Curci Michela Lecce