ACUHO-I Construction and Renovation Data: The ''Next Generation'' Survey Jim Grimm, Past President of ACUHO-I Cynthia Parish Balogh, Senior Associate, MGT Ray Thompson, Partner, MGT Kimberly Hardy, Senior Analyst, MGT June 21, 2004
Jim Grimm’s Video
Introduction History of the Survey ACUHO-I and MGT Collaboration Project Goal and Objectives Establish a national data set that is reliable and useful for institutional planning To provide information that CHOs want and need To create a user-friendly electronic survey To produce an easily accessible report
Purpose of Presentation Share results from the study of 284 colleges and universities Obtain feedback for fine-tuning the survey and the process prior to Fall 2005 administration
Process for Administering the Survey
Study Process Develop Online Format for Survey Pilot Test with Expanded Research Advisory Group - 42 Institutions Analyze Pilot Test Data and Report at ACUHO-I Conference and on Web site Revise Survey Instrument and Process Feedback from Pilot Study Participants Feedback from ACUHO-I Conference
Administer Survey Administer Survey to All ACUHO-I Member Institutions in Fall 2003 Initial E-mail to CHOs with Link to Survey and Unique Password Reminder E-mail Analyze Survey Data and Report at 2004 ACUHO-I Conference Produce Final Report for Web site
Survey Instrument
Survey Items Section A: Institutional Characteristics Institutional Type, Size, Control Housing Capacity and Program Information Section B: Facilities Planning Initiatives Projects During Relevant Time Period Projects Planned Within Next Five Years Existence of Campus/Housing Master Plans
Survey Items (cont.) Section C: New Construction Projects Types and Numbers of Units/Beds Gross Square Footage Cost Figures Project and Construction Costs Per SF and Per Bed Costs Calculated Types of Space and Amenities Reasons for New Construction Methods of Funding
Survey Items (cont.) Section D: Renovation Projects Extent of Renovation Types and Numbers of Units/Beds Gross Square Footage Cost Figures Project and Construction Costs Per SF and Per Bed Costs Calculated Types of Space and Amenities Reasons for Renovation Methods of Funding
Survey Items (cont.) Section E: Survey Feedback Length of Time to Complete Survey Assistance from Other Departments Feedback on Questions Other Comments Unit/Floor Plans and Photos New Construction - Plans and Photos Renovation - Before/After Plans
Study Results
Respondents 284 Respondents ~ 30% Response Rate 97% 4-Year, 3% 2-Year Institutions 59% Public, 40% Private, <1% Other Representative of Institutional and Housing Program Size
Institutional Enrollment by On-Campus Housing Capacity
Construction or renovation completed from Fall 2001 through Fall 2003?
Planning to initiate construction or renovation project in next 5 years?
Does your institution have a campus master plan that includes housing?
Do you currently have a separate housing master plan for your institution?
New Construction Findings 88 Institutions Reporting 113 New Construction Projects
What type of living units? (choose all that apply)
Number of Projects by Percent of Units Configured as Single Occupancy Bedroom
Number of Projects by Percent of Units Configured as Double Occupancy Bedroom
Types of space and amenities in facility? Laundry - 80.5% Staff office(s) - 77.9% Staff apartment(s) - 77.9% Lobby - 68.1% Elevator(s) - 68.1% Electronic security system - 66.4% Central lounge - 61.9% Vending area - 60.2% Reception office - 58.4% Kitchen(s) - 52.2% Television room - 49.6% Storage for institution furniture/equipment - 46.9% Floor lounge(s) - 44.2% Recreation/Game room - 43.4% Library/Study - 38.9% BBQ/Picnic area - 37.2% Computer lab - 33.6% Classroom(s) - 30.1% Faculty office(s) - 15.9% Storage for student belongings -15.0% Exercise/Fitness room - 14.2% Cafeteria/Dining facility - 13.3% Volleyball court - 10.6% Faculty apartment(s) - 9.7% Snack bar - 9.7% Convenience store - 9.7% Swimming pool - 8.0% Basketball court - 7.1% Conference/Meeting Room - 3.5%
Types of amenities in unit? Internet access - 92.9% Furniture - 91.2% Air conditioning - 80.5% Carpeting - 79.6% Stove - 64.6% Temperature control in each living unit - 64.6% Telephone Outlet - 64.6% Refrigerator - 61.9% Cable TV service - 58.4% Washer/Dryer in each living unit - 40.7% Microwave - 38.9% Dishwasher - 31.9% Panic button - 19.5%
Project Costs - Adjoining Suite Style Facilities High: $43.0 million Low: $8.1 million Average: $17.7 million Project Cost/GSF High: $226 Low: $108 Average: $156 Project Cost/Bed High: $66,882 Low: $29,809 Average: $43,076 Notes: Only includes projects that were strictly adjoining suite facilities not in combination with any other type of unit. Only includes projects that provided either Number of Beds or GSF, and either Project Cost or Construction Cost.
Construction Costs - Adjoining Suite Style Facilities High: $40.0 million Low: $5.6 million Average: $15.8 million Construction Cost/GSF High: $185 Low: $88 Average: $135 Construction Cost/Bed High: $64,591 Low: $24,403 Average: $39,143 Notes: Only includes projects that were strictly adjoining suite facilities not in combination with any other type of unit. Only includes projects that provided either Number of Beds or GSF, and either Project Cost or Construction Cost.
Project Costs - Super Suite Style Facilities High: $38.0 million Low: $4.0 million Average: $23.6 million Project Cost/GSF High: $276 Low: $83 Average: $148 Project Cost/Bed High: $94,763 Low: $33,957 Average: $50,025 Notes: Only includes projects that were strictly super suite facilities not in combination with any other type of unit. Only includes projects that provided either Number of Beds or GSF, and either Project Cost or Construction Cost.
Construction Costs - Super Suite Style Facilities High: $39.0 million Low: $4.2 million Average: $20.3 million Construction Cost/GSF High: $204 Low: $88 Average: $116 Construction Cost/Bed High: $49,171 Low: $23,733 Average: $42,757 Notes: Only includes projects that were strictly super suite facilities not in combination with any other type of unit. Only includes projects that provided either Number of Beds or GSF, and either Project Cost or Construction Cost.
Project Costs - Apartment Facilities High: $69.0 million Low: $3.0 million Average: $24.4 million Project Cost/GSF High: $490 Low: $52 Average: $151 Project Cost/Bed High: $139,676 Low: $27,728 Average: $52,433 Notes: Only includes projects that were strictly apartments and individual contract apartments (or a combination of the two) not in combination with any other type of unit. Only includes projects that provided either Number of Beds or GSF, and either Project Cost or Construction Cost.
Construction Costs - Apartment Facilities High: $59.0 million Low: $3.4 million Average: $20.3 million Construction Cost/GSF High: $419 Low: $40 Average: $120 Construction Cost/Bed High: $119,433 Low: $19,149 Average: $43,452 Notes: Only includes projects that were strictly apartments and individual contract apartments (or a combination of the two) not in combination with any other type of unit. Only includes projects that provided either Number of Beds or GSF, and either Project Cost or Construction Cost.
Are you seeking or did you achieve LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for this project?
Why was this facility built? Choose All That Apply: Meet demand for additional beds (81%) Meet the needs and interests of students (81%) Increase the variety of housing options (63%) Increase percent of undergrads housed (53%) Primary Reason: Meet demand for additional beds (48%)
What entity will own the new facility?
What entity will manage the new facility?
When a foundation owns the facility, who manages it?
Method of funding for the project? (choose all that apply)
If debt financed, what entity is responsible for the debt?
98 Institutions Reporting 72 Rehabilitation or Modified Rehabilitation Renovation Findings 98 Institutions Reporting 221 Renovation Projects 72 Rehabilitation or Modified Rehabilitation
Extent of the renovation? (all institutions)
Type of living unit? (Rehab/Modified Rehab ~ choose all that apply)
Project Cost Figures (Rehab/Modified Rehab) High: $22.0 million Low: $24,000 Average: $5.4 million Project Cost/GSF High: $888 Low: $11 Average: $90 Project Cost/Bed High: $109,375 Low: $198 Average: $18,560 Note: Only includes projects that provided either Project Cost or Construction Cost.
Construction Cost Figures (Rehab/Modified Rehab) High: $14.9 million Low: $24,000 Average: $4.6 million Construction Cost/GSF High: $259 Low: $13 Average: $64 Construction Cost/Bed High: $91,500 Low: $119 Average: $14,267 Note: Only includes projects that provided either Project Cost or Construction Cost.
Why was this facility renovated? (Rehab/Modified Rehab) Choose All That Apply: Update facilities (86%) Meet the needs and interests of students (74%) Accommodate academic or other special programs (24%) Provide higher levels of privacy (19%) Primary Reason: Update facilities (61%)
Method of funding for the project Method of funding for the project? (Rehab/Modified Rehab ~ choose all that apply)
If debt financed, what entity is responsible for the debt If debt financed, what entity is responsible for the debt? (Rehab/Modified Rehab)
Were you able or do you plan to increase the rental rate for this facility? (Rehab/Modified Rehab)
Historical Survey Comparison
Historical Comparison: Average Construction Cost Per Square Foot *This figure does not include two institutions, Clemson University and North Carolina State University.
Historical Comparison: Average Construction Cost Per Bed *This figure does not include two institutions, Clemson University and North Carolina State University. **This figure includes apartments and suites for 1995.
Discussion and Questions
Discussion Data omitted for critical questions Value of comprehensive questionnaire vs. time for completion Other
Research Advisory Group Randy Alexander - Iowa State University Dallas Bauman - SUNY at Stony Brook Patrick Bradley - Central Missouri State U. Connie Carson - Wake Forest University Jim Day - University of Georgia Terry Durkin - Old Dominion University Roger Fisher - Texas Christian University Bob Huss - Oklahoma State University Paul Jahr - Georgia College & State U. Jeff Janz - U. of Wisconsin - Whitewater Beth McCuskey - University of Wyoming Rita Moser - Florida State University Ron Sasse - Texas A&M University Craig Schmitt - University of Dayton Christine Smith - Elmhurst College Ken Stoner - University of Kansas Craig Thompson - Boise State University Tim Tiemens - Sonoma State University Jeff Urdahl - University of Southern California Bill Zeller - University of Michigan A Special Thank You to All Survey Participants!
Presenter Contact Information Jim Grimm (352) 332-6862 Cynthia Parish Balogh, Ph.D. MGT of America, Inc. (850) 386-3191 Ray Thompson, Ph.D. MGT of America, Inc. (239) 482-7095 Kimberly Hardy, Ph.D. MGT of America, Inc. (850) 386-3191