FAMILY RULES Introduce yourself and the presentation title. Let the audience know whether or not you can take questions during or at the end of the presentation (time permitting). Presenters will see notes to cover information at the bottom of each slide. BEGIN: This is a presentation for parents about Family Rules….it is for parents and caretakers of pre-school and elementary age children.
DEFINITION: Family Rules are continually evolving guidelines developed by a family that set boundaries for appropriate and acceptable behavior by all family members.
Family Rules Help Families Run Smoothly * Teach Right from Wrong Make Right Choices * Appropriate Behavior Why? You may ask yourself. Family Rules: Are the Single Most important part of helping children learn right from wrong Teach children what is appropriate and acceptable behavior to mom and dad Help children learn to make right choices within the family and ultimately within their schools and community
FAMILY RULES? BUT I DON’T UNDERSTAND. . . NOTE: Children begin to understand the idea of “Family Rules” around two years of age. However, even very young children love being praised for doing the right thing.
Purpose of Family Rules: Provide a family with an agreed upon set of guidelines Provide a family with a stable, consistent and fair environment for children and adults Can be revisited regularly and changed to meet the needs of a growing family
Rights of Children and Parents in Every Family: Every member in a family has the right to live within the family without fear and violence. Every member in a family has the right to live with a sense of security and of being nurtured, especially children by their parents. Every member in a family has the right to know the rules of engagement within their individual family, and the consequences for breaking those rules.
Steps for Establishing Family Rules Every member of the family must participate Identify family issues that needs set rules Brainstorm a list of rules wanted Identify DOs and DO NOTs Keep each rule simple and specific Identify Consequences and/or reward for rules Limit family rules to about 5 maximum Drop and add new rules as needed Always be CONSISTENT!
Rules of Family Rules Special Note: Family Rules Must be Clear Family Rules Must be Consistent Family Rules Must be Fair Family Rules Should have all family members input Family Rules Should be appropriate & respectful Family Rules Should be adjusted as the family changes Family Rules Should always be written down & visible Family Rules are for every member of the family Special Note: Children are never to put a parent on punishment! When a parent breaks a rule – the parent can give him or herself the consequences, however, allow the child to witness it. By doing this the child begins to understand fairness and that everyone has rules they have to follow.
Thank You! Newport News Office on Children, Youth & Families 12284 Warwick Blvd., Suite 2-A Newport News, VA 23606 (757) 597-2801 Office Thank you for attending today’s workshop on “Family Rules.” I hope that this has been an informative session and will help you and your family as you grow together.