Absolute Monarchy Chapter 5
Charles V divides the Empire
The Power of Philip II
Defender of the Faith
Controlling England
Gradual Collapse of the Spanish Economy
Spanish Art and Literature
The Revolt of the Netherlands
Dutch Prosperity
Absolutism The Theory.
Political and Economic Factors Favoring Absolutism
France Civil War and Wars of Religion
Henry of Navarre Becomes King of France
Cardinal Richelieu rules France
The Reign of Louis XIV
Jean Baptiste Colbert and Mercantilism
The Wars of Louis XIV
The Legacy of Louis XIV
The Thirty Years War
The Peace of Westphalia
The Revival of Austria Maria Teresa
The Rise of Prussia
War of Austrian Succession Seven Years War.
Ivan the Terrible
Contrasting Cultures Russia and Western Europe
Peter the Great
Westernizing Russia
James Stuart becomes King of England
Charles Battle Parliament
The English Civil War
Cromwell and the Commonwealth
The Restoration
James II alienates England
Parliamentary Leadership The Bill of Rights