Energy Tax Savers, Inc. EPAct Presentation Energy Tax Savers Jacob Goldman Required Energy Techniques for Modeling building
2 Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) Extended through 12/31/13 Benefits available from 1/1/06 thru 12/31/13 Incentivized areas: – Lighting – HVAC – Building envelope Available for New Construction and Existing Buildings Also available for: – Tenant owned lease-hold improvements – Primary Designers of Government Buildings
3 Whats it Worth? Potential Tax Savings for 300,000 sq. ft. Immediate Tax Deduction Whole Building$540,000 Individual System Approach Lighting$180,000 HVAC$180,000 Building Envelope$180,000 Assumptions: 300,000 sq.ft. of facilities, Qualifying Energy Efficient improvements for entire space With Government Buildings these benefits go to the Primary Designer
4 Commercial Building Immediate Deductions Stimulus Package emphasizes Energy Efficiency in Government Buildings Architects/Engineers/Lighting Designers – DOE goal to incentivize green design in government building sector Benefits passed through to the primary designer of: – Federal offices, military bases, court houses, post office, labs etc. – State offices, transportation facilities, state universities, court houses etc. – County, city, town, village etc offices, schools, town halls, police, fire, libraries et c.
5 Whats in it for Architects/Engineers/Lighting Designers ? Growth in this EPAct area for government building designers is exploding Successful Design Niches: – K-12 Public Schools – State Universities and Colleges – Military Bases – Parking Garages – Airports
6 How do you Qualify? Mechanics – Deductions based on improvements over ASHRAE – Energy efficient improvements must be depreciable assets Converts 39 year depreciation to current deduction – Available for installations completed between 1/1/06 & 12/31/13 Can begin in prior years – Deduction amounts: Lesser of total cost or: – $1.80/sq.ft. Whole Building – $0.60/sq.ft. Individual Systems a. Lighting b. HVAC c. Building Envelope ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning)
77 8 Ways to Capture Tax Deduction (1) Whole Building ($1.80/ft 2 ) – 50% Energy Cost Reduction below standard Permanent Rules partial deduction ($0.60/ft 2 ) (8) Interim Lighting Rules ($0.30/ft 2 -$0.60/ft 2 ) – 25% to 40% prescribed Light Power Density (LPD) reduction below standard Building Envelope LightingHVAC Alternative 1 (2) 16 2/3 % (3) 16 2/3 % (4) 16 2/3 % Alternative 2 (5) 10% (6) 20% (7) 20%
Where are the Benefits Lighting, Lighting, Lighting Lighting Controls Specific Types of HVAC – Geothermal – Thermal Storage – Central Chiller plants with small buildings(<150,000sq.ft.) in Campus LEED Buildings 8
9 Commercial Building Immediate Deduction Permanent Rules – 16 % overall cost improvement below standard generated by each system (Lighting, HVAC, Building Envelope) – Energy models confirm savings – Daylighting systems particularly well suited – HVAC may qualify with as little as a 25% improvement over standard
10 Understanding Energy Models IRS has approved thirteen types of modeling software – eQUEST, Trane Trace 700, Energy Plus, Carrier HAP, VisualDOE, EnergyGauge, DOE2.2, DOE2.1E & 2.1E-JJH, Owens Corning Commercial Energy Calculator, Green Building Studio, EnerSim, IES – other submissions are in process Important modern Energy management tool. Currently required for all HVAC and building envelope deductions and for whole building lighting alternative. In many jurisdictions, rebates are provided for all or substantial portions of modeling costs.
179D Modeling Technique Overall GuidanceNREL/TP May 2007 TechniqueASHRAE Appendix G Reference DataASHRAE VentilationASHRAE Load DataTitle 24 (In NREL document) Exceptions Ventilation RateASHRAE not Title 24 OccupancyTitle 24 not ASHRAE Lighting LoadASHRAE not Title
EPAct Modeling Technique HVAC Example 1. Model and size your actual building and HVAC system 2. Model a reference building designed to ASHRAE data using Title 24 loads and ASHRAE Appendix G methodology. 3. Copy the reference building and remove the reference HVAC equipment. Insert the actual equipment from step 1 into this reference building. Compare the cost of energy between step 3 and step 2. A 16.67% improvement gets tax savings. 12 See NREL/TP , May 2007
13 From ASHRAE Appendix G
14 Techniques for Achieving HVAC Tax Savings 1. More Efficient than Reference Equipment Put in Highly efficient equipment and add – VFDs – Economizers – Demand Ventilation – Energy Recovery Ventilation – Etc. 2. Different Equipment than Reference Equipment Chillers where Packaged Units are in the Reference Building Central Plant Geothermal 3. Take advantage of Time of Day Energy Pricing Thermal Storage
What Tends to Qualify on the HVAC side? 1. Geothermal (Ground Source Heat Pumps) 2. Thermal Storage 3. High Efficiency PTAC units in Rental Apartments 4. Centralized HVAC in Rental Apartment Buildings 5. Energy Recovery Ventilation 6. Demand Control Ventilation 7. Chillers in buildings < 150,000 sq ft 8. Blow through heaters in no AC Industrial Spaces 9. VAV (variable air volume devices) in buildings <75,000 sq ft 10. Chilled Beam 11. Magnetic Bearing Chillers 12. Gas fired chillers combined with electric chillers to peak shave
Electric Chillers in Baseline 16 From ASHRAE Appendix G
17 From NREL Technical Report NREL/TP May 2007
18 From ASHRAE Use NREL Technical Report NREL/TP May 2007
19 Use ASHRAE Use ASHRAE From NREL Technical Report NREL/TP May 2007
Differences between LEED & 179D Section 179DLEED v2.2 Overall GuidanceNREL/TP May 2007ASHRAE Appendix G TechniqueASHRAE Appendix G Reference DataASHRAE ASHRAE Appendix G VentilationASHRAE ASHRAE (?) Load DataTitle 24 (In NREL document)Actual Loads Exceptions Ventilation RateASHRAE not Title 24No Exceptions Occupancy/sq.ft.Title 24 not ASHRAE No Exceptions Lighting LoadASHRAE not Title 24No Exceptions 21
Estimating 179D from a EA 1 Credit Worksheet 22
The Modelers role Analyze existing projects for EPAct potential – Communicate the potential to Management Most projects are on the margins (between 0&1 or 1&2 deductions) – Suggest design improvements to capture additional EPAct $s Modeling is now a profit center for government projects More & more rebates are based on modeled results Additional EPAct $s corresponds with added LEED pts. 23
24 Energy Tax Savers Inc. Energy Tax Savers 12 Split Rock Rd. Syosset, NY Phone: Fax: