Taxi Booking Process Call Aqua Taxis – 0800 666666 –or 02392 818123 Inform them that you wish to book a taxi on account and give the following account number: C004 They will then ask for your name and a password: - Password: landrover Your name must be on the authorised users list of the booking will not be accepted. The following details then need to be provided to proceed with the booking: - Name of Patient – as registered on EDGE Clinical Trial Name – MUST BE GIVEN Date Of Travel – Date of appointment Pick Up Address – either Home or QAH Destination - either Home or QAH The booking will then be confirmed by Aqua. The Taxi Booking Log must then be completed as a record of all bookings made. At the end of each month the log must be sent to for checking against the invoice from Aqua Taxis.