Come Play Touch Football In one of Australia’s leading Affiliates! Competitions available for all levels From Beginners to Representative players NEW WINTER COMPETITION Starting Wednesday 13 May 2015 Doyle Ground, Macarthur St Nth Parramatta Women’s Division 6 a side Men’s 1st Division 6 a side Men’s 2nd Division 7 a side Mixed 1st Division 6 a side Mixed 2nd Division 6 a side Mixed 3rd Division 7 a side Players can enter both competitions on the same night with alternate times each week for Women’s, Men’s and Mixed. Cost is $65 per player Minimum 10 players per team $35 per player if participating in a 2nd team Playing singlet numbered package available from $220. ENQUIRIES CONTACT: Pam Hetherington: 0407 928 308 Rod Hetherington: 0402 268 375 Email: Fabebook: Parramatta Touch Football