Omega State Colorado Committee Structure Recommended Revisions Omega State Executive Board October 15, 2016 Black—Current Structure Green—Recommended Revision Blue---Rationale
Section A. Omega State Standing Committees SOCIETY BUSINESS -- Communication and Publicity Committee -- Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee -- Finance * (No revisions are recommended) * Chapters and State have constitutional responsibilities to International.
--Leadership Development and Personnel Committee Leadership is a primary consideration when selecting Omega State Professional Personnel.
--Membership and Expansion Committee * Expansion within the state is a natural responsibility of the Membership Committee.
--Chapter Strengthening and Star Chapter Award Committee The two committees have similar responsibilities. Additionally, the major goals of each are the strengthening and recognizing of Omega State chapters.
2. Society Mission and Purposes Educational Excellence Committee * --Early and Career Education Committee (no revision) --Educational Law, Policy and U. S. Forum Committee The two committees work in partnership as stated in the 2013 Omega State Colorado Standing Rules. One member of the committee will assume the U. S. Forum responsibilities and dissemination of materials from the International U. S. Forum.
--Personal and Professional Pride and Scholarship Committee Applying for and receiving a scholarship are personal and indicate professional pride.
--Community and World Connections and World Fellowship Committee * The responsibilities of the two committees are integral to one another. Each requires partnership with each other.
Omega State Award (no revision)
Added Comments Upon approval of the recommended revisions by the Adhoc Committee on Committee Structure, there will be a need to revise: ARTICLE IX COMMITTEES Section A. Omega State Standing Committee Structure 1.Society Business and 2. Society Mission and Purposes found on page 7 of the 2013 Omega State Colorado Bylaws. The revisions will be voted upon at the Omega State Convention June 2017.
Upon approval of the recommended revisions by the Adhoc Committee on Committee Structure, there will need to be revisions to: The 2013 Omega State Colorado Standing Rules including the Appendix IV. COMMITTEES A. Standing Committees 1. Society Business 2. Society Mission and Purposes found on pages 13-17, plus pages A-1-17. Revisions may be approved at the State Convention June 2017 or at an Executive Board meeting in 2017.
Responsibility for revision of Omega State Colorado Bylaws and Omega State Colorado Standing Rules is yet to be determined. SUGGESTIONS: --Current committee members --Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee --Other????
End of report by the Adhoc Committee on Committee Structure for the Omega State Organization. Members: True Morgan, Shirley Organ, Memory Lamfers, and Dr. Norma Silvers