The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 1 Et godt addressesystem – til nytte for samfundet Tryggvi Már Ingvarsson MSc Geomatic Engineer,
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 2 Content An address & address system A good address system –perspectives –business model –quality –multipurpose –costs & effectiveness Conclusions
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 3 Addresses & address systems - definition - An address specifies a location by reference to a street, building or a landmark; or it specifies a point of postal delivery Address systems consist of networks of streets and points, with names, and logically ordered patterns of numbering of buildings, occupancies, and other features Is this so clear-cut?
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 4 A good address system - perspectives - Database view –physical storage solutions, DBMS, effectiveness, uniqueness of address entries –Logical numbering is not of big concern Maintainers view –Practical to update, e.g. when adding new address into a address sequence Users view –Logical - easy to orientate your self, built on history and traditions –Thematic and alphabetic arrangement of streets and neighborhoods
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 5 A good address system - business model - The business model has to fulfill the requirements set by users –Without common consensus among its users even a good system can proof ineffective Always up-to-date –An address should be in place, located and available at the same time as the building permission is issued –Serving the demands of users License –New law on public information encourage re-use, added value reproduction and resell by private companies –The new law limits pricing for governmental data (government should e.g. not charge for copyright)
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 6 A good address system - business model - Costs –A detailed up-to-date and correct address system can however be very expensive –Mistakes (e.g. wrong registration) can also be costly! Pricing –To high pricing by the government will push private companies to develop their own separate system –How should the government justify its investments? How can benefits of an good address system be measured? –Hard cash revenues –Cost savings (e.g. preventing loss of lives or damaged properties) –Tax revenue from stimulating private market
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 7 A good address system - quality issues - Correctness – attribute, time and spatial accuracy Completeness – full coverage Consistency between different registries Linage – possibility to trace back changes Important: There has to be a way for people to check the registration of their properties and put forward corrections!
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 8 A good address system - spatial issues - Updating –An address location should be available before the building itself Geocoding addresses –Entrances –Building centroid –Post box –Gate
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 9 A good address system - technical design/architecure - One central common repository –Core information only updated at one place –Prevents inconformity –Handles all declensions (gervigreind) –Registers also building names Service oriented architecture (SOA) –Employing web services –Extensibility –Each user can extend the core for own uses
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 10 A good address system - multipurpose - Residence registration –Locates people in apartments using logical code of storey and apartment numbers (e.g > first floor, third door from left) Postal service –Identifies additional informal addresses Emergency service 112 –Identifying all entrances (sub-addresses) of large buildings –Identifying public places, playgrounds, landmarks etc. –Querying different data source (who lives or who owns) Complex queries –Statistical researches, e.g. on health, democratic issues etc. –Rural properties without proper internet connection (ADSL) Is it actually possible to have all this function in one system???
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 11
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 12
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 13 Aluminum factory
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 14 Aluminum factory
The Land Registry of Iceland -GeoInformation Department 15 Conclusion We have to find the intermediate way between costs, effectiveness and details A good address system in Iceland can maybe be a bad one in an other country A good address system is in my opinion one that fully serves the need of its users in the most optimal way given the budget available!