Plánovanie veľkého projektu Manažment projektov softvérových a informačných systémov
Metodológia CVM— Client Value Method Obsah Metodológia CVM— Client Value Method Plánovanie veľkého projektu - praktická ukážka What we will discuss in our briefing …. And we are providing you additional reference information in the appendix. We will begin with the Buying Behaviors instead of with the phases of CVM. Because Buying Behaviors influence what we think and do in each phase, it is clearer if we cover Buying Behaviors first.
Client Value Method - metodológia zameraná na potreby zákazníka Confirm the client’s Compelling Reason to Act Develop the client perception of Unique Value Confirm the client’s expected solution benefit and value proposition Confirm that the client’s delivery expectations are being met Confirm the use of the solution as intended by the client Buying Behaviors (at Opportunity Level)* Client Value Account Planning and MAP Identify Complexity/BTT Cross Brand Opportunity Planning Client Value Propositions* Value Driven Proposals* Initiate standard solutioning approach Client Value Deal Management (Streamlined Pursuit Decisions)* Standard solution design process – Team Solution Design* End to end delivery owner Aligned Quality Checkpoints End to end risk manager Client Value Deal Management (Streamlined Release Decisions) Delivery Methodologies Delivery Issue Single Point of Contact Delivery Insight Reviews Delivery Rewards and Recognition Confirm value delivered with client / starbursting Client Value Assessments* Transaction Survey Relationship Survey VALIDATED QUALIFIED WON COMPLETED Phase Overview Focus Elements Client value is both the journey and the end result. The goal is to generate value in each phase with evidence reflected in typical client responses and, internally, in team results. In order to better ensure client success, CVM uses a tailored approach that: · Begins with effective account planning that includes the client · Involves team collaboration to present a consistent and informed ‘One IBM’ approach to the client · Incorporates Buying Behaviors (Value for Money, Trusted Supplier, Innovation Partner) to determine what clients expect and how clients want to experience value · Includes appropriate opportunity planning, including new methods such as Value Creation, to truly understand client needs and ensure client success · Helps to develop our response and plan for appropriate resources for the opportunity · Validates client expectations and strengthens the client value proposition for every solution ; optimizes team collaboration and strategy buillding in opportunity planning and Client Value Deal Management meeting. Consistent Pipeline Indicators 3 3
Prečo CVM? Zvýšený dôraz kladený na požiadavky a priority zákazníka – nie naše Skutočne realizovali naše prísľuby Pracovali spoločne ako tím Prispôsobili unikátnym potrebám zákazníkov a trhu Zvyšovali reálnu hodnotu dodávaných tovarov a služieb pre našich zákazníkov In 2008, we heard the results of client research and feedback that told us there is a fundamental shift in our clients’ expectations of value, which demands a comprehensive change in the way we respond to clients. This was important before the global economic crisis emerged but is even more true today. That is why we are taking time on today’s agenda to discuss this important topic. The conclusion is… we must change the way we engage with our clients and with each other…and we must have a consistent understanding of how to deliver client value ….in order to deliver what our clients expect and to win in the marketplace. IBM Confidential
Praktický príklad plánovania projektu
Profil projektu Názov projektu: Elektronický Archív Zákazník: UniCredit Bank Slovakia Podpis zmluvy: 02/2010 Začiatok projektu: 06/2011 Trvanie projektu: 16 mesiacov Dodávka SW licencií a služieb Časť prác realizovaná subdodávateľom
Fáza – Understand (identifikovanie obchodného prípadu) CRM (Customer relationship managment) Identifikácia obchodného prípadu (opportunity) Zistenie aktuálnej situácie u zákazníka (potreby, problémy,..) Formálna evidencia prípadu Výzva na ponuku, výberové konanie Vytvorenie tímu, ktorí bude pripravovať ponuku Harmonogram prípravy ponuky Rozdelenie zodpovednosti
Fáza – Explore (Definícia projektu) Zadanie projektu do b.i.Sales databázy (Project file) Client verification DPL (Denied Party List) databáza ERO (Export Regulation Office) check CRA (Credit Risk Assesment) Opportunity Type & BTT (Business Transaction Type) Stupnica od 1 (najjednoduchší) až 5 (najkomplexnejší)
Fáza – Develop (Plán projektu) Návrh technického riešenia Architektúra riešenia Odhady pracnosti Predpoklady a požiadavky TDA (Technical Delivery Assesment) Príprava ponuky/zmluvy – SOW (Scope of Work) Projektový plán
Fáza – Develop (Plán projektu) Ľudské zdroje Vyžiadanie kvalifikovaných zdrojov Potvrdenie ich dostupnosti manažerom pre potreby projektu Subdodávatelia Vypracovanie SOW pre subdodávku Výber subdodávateľa Príprava zmluvy (pravidlo back-to-back)
Fáza – Develop (Plán projektu) Identifikácia rizík Nástroj GS Risk -> RMP (Risk Managment Plan) Kalkulácia ceny Nástroj WWGPE BTT Risk rating Odhady pracnosti Kurzové riziká Odložená splatnosť (DP) Schválenie finálnej ceny
Fáza – Develop (Plán projektu) Finalizácia ponuky/zmluvy QA (Quality Assurance) kontrola, schválenie Legal - právne oddelenie – kontrola, neštandartné klauzuly Finálne schválenie ponuky/zmluvy (Bid Sign-off) Ponuka/zmluva pripravená na zaslanie klientovi Podpísanie kontraktu Obchodné rokovania s klientom Finálne odsúhlasenie kontraktu obidvoma stranami