9.2 | Culture, Religion, and Society


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Presentation transcript:

9.2 | Culture, Religion, and Society Vocab is in Orange East Africa 9.2 | Culture, Religion, and Society

O | C: Tribalism The Cradle of Mankind Early human societies Tribal hunters and gatherers

O | R: Animism Various types and forms Ancient Egyptian paganism

O | S: Community-based Local economies and local religions lead to local communities These were grouped into larger social groups Regional centers like Nubia Others along the coast of the Indian Ocean

D | C: Assimilation East African culture either remained tribal, or mixed Arabic traders brought their language and culture Swahili: East African and Arabic mix There is also Indian elements Brought from traders

D | R: Assimilation Christianity came from Egypt Ethiopia became Christian Islam came from Arabia Sudan became Islamic Hinduism came from India East Africa has traces of this

D | S: Assimilation Modern borders in Africa were drawn by Europe Many local societies still exist East Africa is still attempting to achieve larger social groups

T | C: Finding its center Due to the various cultures There are differences of opinion Can cause ethnic conflicts: Sudan and South Sudan Rwandan genocide early 1990s

T | R: Conflict Islamic and Christian fanaticism Sudan and other religiously divided areas Somalia's instability and terrorist cells

T | S: Struggling for union EA has many societies Many religions Many communities Organizing and agreeing Is problematic